Revision history for MooseX-Types-CreditCard

0.002001  2013-11-29
	- update copyright
	- use Module::Runtime because Class::Load is being removed from Moose

0.002000  2012-10-09
	- add CardExpiration
	- CreditCard, use CardNumber instead
		- change made to make names consistent, will prefix type names with

0.001006  2012-08-29
	- Lazy load Business::CreditCard

0.001005  2012-05-16
	- use NumericCode to validate data consists only of numbers

0.001004  2011-10-23
	- switch to decimal style versions

v0.1.3    2011-09-06
	- Check that length is greater than 11 for CC numbers

v0.1.2    2011-08-26
	- Change Types to Str because they aren't really numbers, they are codes

v0.1.1    2011-08-26
	- add CardSecurityCode type

v0.1.0    2011-08-26
	- initial release for review