Revision history for Perl extension Data::Alias

1.01  Fri Sep 29 23:39 CEST 2006
	- Worked around perl bug (wrong context of refgen due to proto)
	- Updated for recent bleadperl
	- Warn on aliasing a lexical where the effect is limited in scope
	  (category "closure")

1.0   Mon Jul 12 23:17 CEST 2006
	- Further enhanced performance of alias-assign
	- Fixed compile errors on non-gcc compilers
	- Fixed aliasing a constant expression
	- Don't export "copy" by default anymore
	- Properly reallocate ops (bug exposed by perl 5.9.4 patch 27773)
	- Enhanced performance of copy in void context
	- Alias-refgen properly makes stuff read-only that ought to be
	- Support defined-or-assign (//=) in perl 5.9.x

0.10  Sat Jun  3 17:44 CEST 2006
	- Enhanced performance of alias-assign
	- Made a note about 'local' in the docs

0.09  Mon May 22 17:12 CEST 2006
	- Suppress warnings when using 64-bit integers on 32-bit arch
	- 'local' now doesn't act differently on tied vars than on normal ones
	- Added "Useless use of alias" warning (category 'void')

0.08  Wed Feb  8 20:19 CET 2006
	- Avoid giving the "tied array/hash" error when inappropriate, such
	  as when the array/hash is merely the target of weakrefs

0.07  Mon Feb  6 16:43 CET 2006
	- Removed outer lexical support, since it can't be made to work in
	  any consistent way

0.06  Mon Feb  6 00:35 CET 2006
	- Fixed memory mismanagement bug (crash)
	- Fixed parse failure of 'alias' or 'copy' at EOF

0.05  Wed Jan 25 15:48 CET 2006
	- Split off Data::Swap again
	- Perl 5.9.3 support
	- Fixed alias-returning from within a nested block

0.04  Sun Aug 29 21:01 CEST 2004
	- Minor fix because PAUSE complained about missing version in Data::Swap

0.03  Sun Aug 29 00:36 CEST 2004
	- Initial version of Data::Alias  (incorporates Data::Swap)
	- Fixed swapping objects with weakrefs

0.02  Thu Jul  3 11:34 CEST 2003
	- Added Changes file
	- Disallow swapping an overloaded object with a non-overloaded one

0.01  Mon Jun 30 20:08 CEST 2003
	- Initial version