Revision history for App-Genpass

2.02    03.08.11
        - RT #69980: clarify the usage of default number of passwords in
        generate() method. (reported by Neil Bowers, thanks!)

2.01    10.03.11
        - Fix tests by requiring namespace::clean at least 0.2

2.00    17.02.11
        ** Major change **
        - Moving to Mouse instead of Moose. Should work much faster for users
          without causing problems.
          (since it's a big change, I'm noting this as a very major release)

1.01    18.07.10
        - Fixed small test bug, must return from default coderef
        - Explaining how much "speeds" noverify adds
        (0.1 secs for 500 passwords of 500 char length)

1.00    17.07.10
        [API Change]
        - renamed "repeat" (-r) to "number" (-n)
        - renamed -e to -r.

        - Document default configuration files

0.11    16.07.10
        - Correctly implement optional default configuration file
        - Add optional homefolder configuration file
        - Moving to Dist::Zilla... it's awesome!

0.10    07.06.10
        - Minimum requirement of MooseX::Getopt => 0.12

0.09    31.05.10
        - Auto-read default configuration file (/etc/genpass.yaml)

0.08    30.05.10
        - Added description for genpass app
          Now --help works

0.07    30.05.10
        - Added MX::* to Build.PL
        - Added single char options (-l, -v, etc.)

0.06    29.05.10
        - Finally adding genpass CLI !!
        - POD fix C<> vs. <code></code>

0.05    01.01.09
        - added documentation for all attributes
        - first stable finished release

0.04    01.01.09
        - replaced die with Carp's croak
        - added test for wantarray options
        - adding documentation for wantarray options

0.03    14.12.09
        - fixed small bug in password repetition
        - adding test that statistically catches it

0.02    11.12.09
        - removing special chars, refactored nicely
        - added verification process
        - more tests
        - rewrote some tests
        - fixed bug that appeared in original genpass, where unreadable chars
          would be inserted into the chars array twice
        - removed BUILD
        - adding test for number of types wanted with a die

0.01    10.12.09
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.