0.400004 2018-10-01
* RT #127249: Remove dependency of dot in @INC.
0.400003 2015-12-29
* Add LICENSE file (MIT license).
* Use C89 instead of C99.
* Require minimal version of Perl: 5.8.9.
(Earliest successfully tested.)
* Previous release also fixed a MANIFEST entry which broke testing.
0.400002 2015-10-28
* Do not accidentally require Test::Fatal to install.
0.400001 2015-10-26
* Whoops, include typemap file in the release!
0.400000 2015-10-26
* HTTP::XSHeaders is now thread-safe. (Christian Hansen)
* _header() now handles non-string args better.
* init_header() now checks for valid type argument.
* Use magic to store the internal state. (Christian Hansen)
* Use typemaps. (Christian Hansen)
* Internal cleanups. (Christian Hansen)
* Use Test::More for the tests.
0.300000 2015-10-13
* Add simple GET op implementation of internal method _header()
used by HTTP::Cookies::extract_cookies().
* Handle uninitialized value warning caused by XS typemap when
calling scan() with an undef for a coderef.
* Improve tests.
0.201000 2015-09-29
* Added all missing methods. Noted them in docs.
* Remove all dependency on HTTP::Headers::Fast.
0.200002 2015-09-27
* Actually include the Changes file in the dist.
0.200001 2015-09-27
* Fix POD and English syntax errors.
* Fix MANIFEST file.
0.200000 2015-09-25
* Override HTTP::Headers too.
* Make HTTP::Headers and HTTP::Headers::Fast optional require.
* Add more docs, include benchmarks.
* Make tests use HTTP::XSHeaders directly.
* Fix all skipped tests.
* Remove dependency in tests on Test::Requires.
0.11 2015-09-25
* First version.