Revision history for Module-Version

0.11    29.06.10
        * Fixing some more documentation I missed.

0.10    28.06.10
        * Adding -I option, GH #1.
        * Using cleanup regex for dev versions instead of eval.
          (otherwise, versions like 0.10 don't work)
        * Fixing some documentations to refer to new CLI app name.

0.09    20.06.10
        * CLI app now called "mversion" instead of "module-version".
        * Using autodie, it's fun!
        * 100% testing coverage! (I was bored...)

0.08    25.05.10
        * Improving documentation of module-version program.

0.07    25.05.10
        * Documenting module-version program.

0.06    24.05.10
        * Adding --dev (RT #57795):
          (using --dev you get 0.01_01 on dev instead of 0.0101)

0.05    23.04.10
        * Using high minimum version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker to avoid test

0.04    21.04.10
        * Switched to use ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead of evaling.
        (it's now _way_ faster than before)

0.03    10.04.10
        * Docs fix.
        * Better test coverage.

0.02    10.04.10
        * Bumping version for test script.
        * Adding Module::Version::App.
        * Adding module-version script.

0.01    10.04.10
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.