Revision history for POE-Test-Helpers
# Day/Month/Year
1.07 09.08.09
* Now POE::Test::Helpers works for regular POE
* MUCH much cleaner code
* There is a Moose role for POE::Test::Helpers using the new API
0.06 21.10.09
* Removing remains of working title
0.05 20.10.09
* adding a LOT of documentation
0.04 20.10.09
* Hooking up to events automa{t,g}ically
(thanks to help from perigrin [Chris Prather]
and the great people at #moose)
* Got the official name POE::Test::Helpers
(thanks to dngor [Rocco Caputo])
0.03 06.10.09
* Supports event parameters
0.02 05.10.09
* Added sequence ordering
0.01 05.10.09
* Supports minimal stuff, ordering