Revision history for Perl extension Sys::HostIP.
1.8 18.01.11
* More tests, thanks to fenderson (Amir Meiry).
* Fix for Windows 7 (Hilko Bengen).
* Adding test data for Windows XP and Windows 2K (Hilko Bengen).
* Clean ups.
1.7 15.09.10
* Refactoring, refactoring, refactoring.
* If you're using object oriented style, the data is now cached!
* Create if_info on edit.
* Sorted version numbers
1.6 12.09.10
* ifconfig attr as documented in POD
* Sorting ifconfig sub to _get_ifconfig
1.5 11.09.10
* Moved to proper object oriented interface
* Cleaning up all the POD
* Cleaning up code
1.4 11.09.10
* New maintainer: Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
* Fixed RT #24002 (thanks and MARKLE)
* Fixed RT #44845 (thanks Mikhael <>)
* Rewrote tests, doubled them
* Using clean EXPORT_OK now
* Allow multiple in tests (VPS servers may have multiple)
* Moved to Dist::Zilla
* Cleaned up the Changes (reversed the order, hell yes)
* Cleaned up the POD a bit
1.3.1 Mon Sep 29 20:37:07 PST 2003
fixed line wrapping in documentation.
1.3.0 Mon Sep 29 00:42::55 PST 2003
finally rewrote _get_win32_interface_info from scratch.
All methods seem to work now. $/ is now localized before every system call
added aix support (thanks
1.2.2 Thu Jan 9 12:46:59 PST 2003
fixed error with || precedence on line 24 that spit out a warning for non
linux systems (thanks and
changed default ifconfig command to include "-a" flag
1.2.1 Mon Jul 8 01:02:03 2002
fixed typo on line 58
1.2 Sun Apr 7 21:05:23 2002
now ip() is exported (and works as a normal sub instead of a class
method) to insure compatability with old module
1.1 Sun Apr 7 17:30:15 2002
almost complete rewrite of old (1.0) version