Revision history for Test-Ping

0.203     2016-03-13 22:18:34+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
        - Ugh. $VERSION wasn't added and the indexing failed.
        - Fix the LICENSING.
        - Fix the versioning.
        - Update the PODs automatically via dzil.

0.202   13.03.16
        - Previous release had no Changes entry. Bah.

0.201   13.03.16
        - Dzilify.

0.200   13.03.16
        - fixed typo in is_admin_user() definition which was breaking tests
          on Windows (Undefined subroutine &main::is_admin_user called at
          t\03-icmp.t line 2)
        - fixes RT #108683; unavailable broke t/08-ping_tcp.t
          and added more current/reliable domains to test against
        - Net::Ping, in v2.40, changed to using HiRes by default, fixed
          t/09-ping_hires.t to conform to said change. Bumped prereq ver of
          Net::Ping to 2.41, to ensure future test compatibility
        - fixed issue in create_ping_object_not_ok(), where it didn't appear
          that it could possibly do the right thing
        - fixed issue in create_ping_object_ok() where the else() statement
          would never have been triggered
        - skip test "Failed test 'IP should still be reachable' at
          t\13-service.t line 133." until the issue can be found/rectified
          (problem only exists in Windows)
        - fixed RELEASE_TESTING test files so they simply skip if the required
          modules aren't installed (critic.t, meta.t and pod.t)
        - removed t/minimumversion.t, it wasn't being used anyhow
        - added configure_requires directive in Build.PL
        - added t/16-ties.t, tests all Ties
        - added t/17-ping_obj_not_ok.t
        - added t/18-ping_obj_ok.t
        - major updates to MAKEFILE.SKIP
        - added t/18-ping_obj_ok.t
        - test coverage now 96.6% from 86.16%

0.17    06.06.10
        fixing Build.PL executability (turned it off)
        add examples
        wrapped POD lines

0.16    15.02.10
        requiring environment variable for test that keeps failing

0.15    12.02.10
        removed boilerplate test
        as god is my non-existent witness, i will pass the tests!

0.14    11.02.10
        minor changes to pass tests

0.13    10.02.10
        repository in META.yml using Module::Build (cpanservice)
        allowng a longer time gap for a test
        correcting Changelog

0.12    13.08.09
        repository in META.yml using Module::Build (cpanservice)
        allowng a longer time gap for a test

0.11    02.08.09
        added author tests using Test::XT (thanks Adam Kennedy)
        added Makefile.PL and META.yml instead of leaving it to ./Build dist

0.10    02.08.09
        added explicit terms as GPLv2 or later, or artistic
        (thanks Andy Lester,

0.09    29.04.09
        ported 300_ping_stream.t to t/10-ping_stream.t
        ported 400_ping_syn.t to t/11-ping_syn.t
        ported 410_syn_host.t to t/12-syn_host.t
        ported 450_service.t to t/13-service.t
        ported 500_ping_icmp.t to t/14-ping_icmp.t
        ported 510_ping_udp.t to t/15-ping_udp.t
        (finished porting all tests from Net::Ping)
        corrected POD _ping_object() example
        cleaned up all Ties
        added Carp to Build.PL requires

0.08    28.04.09
        fixed t/03-icmp.t test that prevented installation when admin tests
        added method (and POD for) create_ping_object_ok()
        fixed t/05-udp_tcp_stream_syn_inst.t to use create_ping_object_ok()
        ping_ok() now returns return value and duration like Net::Ping's ping()
        added HIRES support even though I thought I wouldn't
        ported HIRES test from Net::Ping (t/09-ping_hires.t)

0.07    27.04.09
        rewrote t/06-alarm.t
        rewrote Test::Ping::Ties::TIMEOUT, Test::Ping::Ties::TIMEOUT
        added Test::Timer as possible skip for testing of t/06-alarm.t
        added Test::Ping::Ties::PORT
        added t/08-ping_tcp.t
        fixed no. of tests in POD synopsis of
        added a lot to the POD

0.06    26.04.09
        moved t/05-udp_tcp_inst.t to t/05-udp_tcp_stream_syn_inst.t
        adding test for stream inst and syn inst
        added t/06-alarm.t
        added ping_not_ok()

0.05    26.04.09
        some POD changes and subroutine returns to keep up with perlcritic
        added -T to tests
        added 03-icmp.t
        added 04-object.t and _ping_object()
        introducing Tie::Scalar to replace _update_variables()
        removed t/02-variables.t
        updated POD
        removed pos_bug_net_ping.t - it's not a bug

0.04    24.04.09
        added test for possible bug in Net::Ping
        got it stable
        removed BIND and PORT support for now

0.03    22.04.09
        separated variable tests to a different file

0.02    22.04.09
        ping_ok() now works

0.01    22.04.09
        Basic skeleton