Revision history for Test::SFTP
1.09 23.10.11
- Fixed RT #71873 (thanks to Montgomery Conner).
- Moved to Dist::Zilla, finally.
1.08 07.06.10
- If anything, last version made it even more confusing! It is now
1.07 07.06.10
- RT #58199 - Sorry Salvador! :)
1.06 07.06.10
- Adding port option
- Updating POD
1.05 06.06.10
- Productionizing it!
1.04_01 04.06.10
- Switched from Net::SFTP to Net::SFTP::Foreign
- Switched from Test::More to Test::Builder
- Some API breakage (status, ssh_args -> more, etc.)
- A lot of code and POD cleanups
- Test adjustments, cleanups, fixes, changing some deps for them
- Adding namespace::autoclean and other deps
- Cleaning up Build.PL, adding LICENSE, META, examples, etc.
0.04 08.02.09
- in t/02-failure.t: initialized $ENV{'HOME'} as empty (windows)
- in t/03-successful.t: skipping if getpwuid doesn't work (windows)
0.03 20.01.08
- in t/01-timeout.t: finally fixed eval for Test::Timer
- in t/03-successful.t: finally fixed eval for File::Util
- in t/03-successful.t: changed no. of skipped tests in first SKIP
to 14
- in t/03-successful.t: removed File::Util from the top "use" group
- added "use warnings" (even though we're already using Moose) to
gain more Kwalitee.
- added to dist_abstract to Build.PL
0.02 18.01.08
- Rewrote large parts of the POD.
- Uses better types with Moose ('Bool', 'Object')
- Added timeout attribute.
- Added timeout option for Net::SFTP connection.
- Added testing for timeout attribute using Test::Timer
- Checking attributes in connect() to avoid uninitialized variables
- Put timeout attribute as optionally tested if Test::Timer exists
- Time::Timer marked as recommended in Build.PL
- The tests that use File::Util are now optionally skipped if it
doesn't exist
- Added File::Util to recommends
- Separated all the dangerous tests from the the others, changed the
- Some tested were improved, using eval{}
0.01 07.01.08
First version. I couldn't be prouder.