Revision history for Perl extension WWW::xkcd.
0.007 2016-10-14
* Provide a META.json file.
0.006 2016-07-14
* Added fetch_random() method. (Alberto Simões)
0.005 02.04.12
* Provide 100% test coverage, why not.
0.004 16.02.12
* Load AnyEvent/AnyEvent::HTTP using Try::Tiny only once. (Joel Berger)
* Major Dzil changes: (Joel Berger)
- Adding metadata (repo, etc.).
- Adding recommends of AnyEvent/AnyEvent::HTTP.
- Create Readme POD automatically.
0.003 14.02.12
* Removed unused method.
0.002 14.02.12
* We can now fetch the images!
* fetch() method now returns both the image and the metadata.
* New fetch_metadata() returns just the metadata.
* Documentation cleanup.
* Refactored argument parsing.
* Created README.txt to please Github. We'll see how it pans out.
0.001 14.02.12
* It works. Yay!