Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-YAKEX
v0.1.3 2013-11-17 23:22:43 Asia/Tokyo
- Require Module::ExtractUse 0.32 (close gh-5).
v0.1.2 2013-11-17 13:11:13 Asia/Tokyo
- Add prereqs for POD related modules (close gh-4).
v0.1.1 2013-09-26 16:27:26 Asia/Tokyo
- Update the version of DZP::Test::Compile and related modules to avoid possible Win32 hangs.
v0.1.0 2013-09-10 02:19:14 Asia/Tokyo
- Specify some plugin versions explicitly (close gh-2).
- Enable build_prereq_matches_use in Test::Kwalitee::Extra (close gh-3).
v0.0.2 2013-08-05 07:15:56 Asia/Tokyo
- Add a minting profile (gh-1).
v0.0.1 2013-08-03 00:02:49 Asia/Tokyo
- Initial release.