Revision history for Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Twitter
0.03001 2011-11-22
- Add 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PerUser' to the list of dependencies.
0.03000 2011-11-14
- change get_authorization_url() for get_authentication_url(), which
bypass the authorize page if the user has already authorized the app.
(thanks to Francoise Dehinbo for the suggestion)
- Ensure that authenticate() doesn't explode if store is not DBIx::Class.
- Spell out limitation with the stores.
0.02002 2011-11-11
- Check if Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PerUser is active on
first use, and die with a meaningful message if it's not. [RT66543]
0.02001 2011-04-17
- Don't have the test fail if WWW::Test::Catalyst::Mechanized is not installed.
0.02000 2011-04-17
- Break the authentication process in two
- Cleaned up subversion files.
- Add some tests.
0.01001 2009-12-06
- Share access_tokens in session for registration
0.01000 2009-12-06
- Initial release