package Dancer::Route::Registry; BEGIN { $Dancer::Route::Registry::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:SUKRIA'; } $Dancer::Route::Registry::VERSION = '1.3133'; # TRIAL use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Dancer::Route; use base 'Dancer::Object'; use Dancer::Logger; use Dancer::Exception qw(:all); Dancer::Route::Registry->attributes(qw( id )); my $id = 1; sub init { my ($self) = @_; unless (defined $self->{id}) { $self->id($id++); } $self->{routes} = {}; return $self; } sub is_empty { my ($self) = @_; for my $method ( keys %{ $self->routes } ) { return 0 if $self->routes($method); } return 1; } # replace any ':foo' by '(.+)' and stores all the named # matches defined in $REG->{route_params}{$route} sub routes { my ($self, $method) = @_; if ($method) { my $route = $self->{routes}{$method}; return $route ? $route : []; } else { return $self->{routes}; } } sub add_route { my ($self, $route) = @_; $self->{routes}{$route->method} ||= []; my @registered = @{$self->routes($route->method)}; my $last = $registered[-1]; $route->set_previous($last) if defined $last; # if the route have options, we store the route at the beginning # of the routes. This way, we can have the following routes: # get '/' => sub {} and ajax '/' => sub {} # and the user won't have to declare the ajax route before the get if (keys %{$route->{options}}) { unshift @{$self->routes($route->method)}, $route; } else { push @{$self->routes($route->method)}, $route; } return $route; } # sugar for add_route sub register_route { my ($self, %args) = @_; # look if the caller (where the route is declared) exists as a Dancer::App # object my ($package) = caller(2); if ($package && Dancer::App->app_exists($package)) { my $app = Dancer::App->get($package); my $route = Dancer::Route->new(prefix => $app->prefix, %args); return $app->registry->add_route($route); } else { # FIXME maybe this code is useless, drop it later if so my $route = Dancer::Route->new(%args); return $self->add_route($route); } } # sugar for # class, any, ARRAY(0x9864818), '/path', CODE(0x990ac88) # or # class, any, '/path', CODE(0x990ac88) sub any_add { my ($self, $pattern, @rest) = @_; my @methods = qw(get post put patch delete options head); if (ref($pattern) eq 'ARRAY') { @methods = @$pattern; # 'get' defaults to 'get' and 'head' push @methods, 'head' if ((grep { $_ eq 'get' } @methods) and not (grep { $_ eq 'head' } @methods)); $pattern = shift @rest; } raise core_route => "Syntax error, methods should be provided as an ARRAY ref" if grep {$_ eq $pattern} @methods; $self->universal_add($_, $pattern, @rest) for @methods; return scalar(@methods); } sub universal_add { my ($self, $method, $pattern, @rest) = @_; my %options; my $code; if (@rest == 1) { $code = $rest[0]; } else { %options = %{$rest[0]}; $code = $rest[1]; } my %route_args = ( method => $method, code => $code, options => \%options, pattern => $pattern, ); return $self->register_route(%route_args); } # look for a route in the given array sub find_route { my ($self, $r, $reg) = @_; foreach my $route (@$reg) { return $route if $r->equals($route); } return; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Dancer::Route::Registry =head1 VERSION version 1.3133 =head1 AUTHOR Dancer Core Developers =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Alexis Sukrieh. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut