package Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI; BEGIN { $Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:yanick'; } BEGIN { $Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI::VERSION = '1.0.0'; } # ABSTRACT: Dancer plugin to cache response content (and anything else) use strict; use warnings; use Dancer 1.1904 ':syntax'; use Dancer::Plugin; use CHI; my $cache; register cache => sub { return $cache ||= CHI->new(%{ plugin_setting() }); }; register check_page_cache => sub { before sub { halt cache()->get(request->{path_info}); }; }; register cache_page => sub { return cache()->set( request->{path_info}, @_ ); }; for my $method ( qw/ set get clear compute / ) { register 'cache_'.$method => sub { return cache()->$method( @_ ); } } register_plugin; =pod =head1 NAME Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI - Dancer plugin to cache response content (and anything else) =head1 VERSION version 1.0.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS In your configuration: plugins: 'Cache::CHI': driver: Memory global: 1 In your application: use Dancer ':syntax'; use Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI; # caching pages' response check_page_cache; get '/cache_me' => sub { cache_page template 'foo'; }; # using the helper functions get '/clear' => sub { cache_clear; }; put '/stash' => sub { cache_set secret_stash => request->body; }; get '/stash' => sub { return cache_get 'secret_stash'; }; # using the cache directly get '/something' => sub { my $thingy = cache->compute( 'thingy', sub { compute_thingy() } ); return template 'foo' => { thingy => $thingy }; }; =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin provides Dancer with an interface to a L<CHI> cache. Also, it includes a mechanism to easily cache the response of routes. =head1 CONFIGURATION The plugin's configuration is passed directly to the L<CHI> object's constructor. For example, the configuration given in the L</SYNOPSIS> will create a cache object equivalent to $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', global => 1, ); =head1 KEYWORDS =head2 cache Returns the L<CHI> cache object. =head2 check_page_cache If invoked, returns the cached response of a route, if available. The C<path_info> attribute of the request is used as the key for the route, so the same route requested with different parameters will yield the same cached content. Caveat emptor. =head2 cache_page($content, $expiration) Caches the I<$content> to be served to subsequent requests. The I<$expiration> parameter is optional. =head2 cache_set, cache_get, cache_clear, cache_compute Shortcut to the cache's object methods. get '/cache/:attr/:value' => sub { # equivalent to cache->set( ... ); cache_set $params->{attr} => $params->{value}; }; =head1 SEE ALSO Dancer Web Framework - L<Dancer> L<Dancer::Plugin::Memcached> - plugin that heavily inspired this one. =head1 AUTHOR Yanick Champoux <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Yanick Champoux. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut __END__