package Git::CPAN::Patch::Import; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use autodie; use Archive::Extract; $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = 1; use File::chmod; use File::Find; use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Path; use File::chdir; use Cwd qw/ getcwd /; use version; use Git; use CLASS; use CPANPLUS; use BackPAN::Index; our $VERSION = '0.3.2'; our $BackPAN_URL = ""; sub backpan_index { state $backpan = do { say "Loading BackPAN index (this may take a while)"; BackPAN::Index->new; }; return $backpan; } sub cpanplus { state $cpanplus = CPANPLUS::Backend->new; return $cpanplus; } # Make sure we can read tarballs and change directories sub _fix_permissions { my $dir = shift; chmod "u+rx", $dir; find(sub { -d $_ ? chmod "u+rx", $_ : chmod "u+r", $_; }, $dir); } sub init_repo { my $module = shift; my $opts = shift; my $dirname = "."; if ( defined $opts->{mkdir} ) { ( $dirname = $opts->{mkdir} || $module ) =~ s/::/-/g; if( -d $dirname ) { die "$dirname already exists\n" unless $opts->{update}; } else { say "creating directory $dirname"; # mkpath() does not play nice with overloaded objects mkpath "$dirname"; } } { local $CWD = $dirname; if ( -d '.git' ) { if ( !$opts->{force} and !$opts->{update} ) { die "Aborting: git repository already present.\n", "use '-force' if it's really what you want to do\n"; } } else { Git::command_noisy('init'); } } return File::Spec->rel2abs($dirname); } sub releases_in_git { my $repo = Git->repository; return unless contains_git_revisions(); my @releases = map { m{\bgit-cpan-version:\s*(\S+)}x; $1 } grep /^\s*git-cpan-version:/, $repo->command(log => '--pretty=format:%b'); return @releases; } sub rev_exists { my $rev = shift; my $repo = Git->repository; return eval { git_cmd_try { $repo->command(["rev-parse", $rev], {STDERR=>1}); } "fail" }; } sub contains_git_revisions { my $repo = Git->repository; return unless -d ".git"; return rev_exists("HEAD"); } sub import_one_backpan_release { my $release = shift; my $opts = shift; my $backpan_urls = $opts->{backpan} || $BackPAN_URL; # on windows, some have been reported to # be command_bidi_pipe-less # rt46715 die "your doesn't have a command_bidi_pipe()" unless defined &Git::command_bidi_pipe; my $repo = Git->repository; my( $last_commit, $last_version ); # figure out if there is already an imported module if ( $last_commit = eval { $repo->command_oneline("rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", "cpan/master") } ) { $last_version = $repo->command_oneline("cpan-last-version"); } my $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir( $opts->{tempdir} ? (DIR => $opts->{tempdir}) : () ); my $archive_file = catfile($tmp_dir, $release->filename); mkpath dirname $archive_file; my $response; for my $backpan_url (@$backpan_urls) { my $release_url = $backpan_url . "/" . $release->prefix; say "Downloading $release_url"; $response = get_from_url($release_url, $archive_file); last if $response->is_success; say " failed @{[ $response->status_line ]}"; } if( !$response->is_success ) { say "Fetch failed. Skipping."; return; } if( !-e $archive_file ) { say "$archive_file is missing. Skipping."; return; } say "extracting distribution"; my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $archive_file ); unless( $ae->extract( to => $tmp_dir ) ) { say "Couldn't extract $archive_file to $tmp_dir because ".$ae->error; say "Skipping"; return; } my $dir = $ae->extract_path; if( !$dir ) { say "The archive is empty, skipping"; return; } _fix_permissions($dir); my $tree = do { # don't overwrite the user's index local $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = catfile($tmp_dir, "temp_git_index"); local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = catfile( getcwd(), '.git' ); local $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = $dir; local $CWD = $dir; my $write_tree_repo = Git->repository; $write_tree_repo->command_noisy( qw(add -v --force .) ); $write_tree_repo->command_oneline( "write-tree" ); }; # Create a commit for the imported tree object and write it into # refs/remotes/cpan/master local %ENV = %ENV; $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} ||= $release->date; my $author = $CLASS->cpanplus->author_tree($release->cpanid); $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} ||= $author->author; $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} ||= $author->email; my @parents = grep { $_ } $last_commit; # FIXME $repo->command_bidi_pipe is broken my ( $pid, $in, $out, $ctx ) = Git::command_bidi_pipe( "commit-tree", $tree, map { ( -p => $_ ) } @parents, ); # commit message my $name = $release->dist; my $version = $release->version || ''; $out->print( join ' ', ( $last_version ? "import" : "initial import of" ), "$name $version from CPAN\n" ); $out->print( <<"END" ); git-cpan-module: $name git-cpan-version: $version git-cpan-authorid: @{[ $author->cpanid ]} git-cpan-file: @{[ $release->prefix ]} END # we need to send an EOF to git in order for it to actually finalize the commit # this kludge makes command_close_bidi_pipe not barf close $out; open $out, '<', \my $buf; chomp(my $commit = <$in>); Git::command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx); # finally, update the fake branch and create a tag for convenience my $dist = $release->dist; $repo->command_noisy('update-ref', '-m' => "import $dist", 'refs/heads/cpan/master', $commit ); if( $version ) { my $tag = $version; $tag =~ s{^\.}{0.}; # git does not like a leading . as a tag name $tag =~ s{\.$}{}; # nor a trailing one if( $repo->command( "tag", "-l" => $tag ) ) { say "Tag $tag already exists, overwriting"; } $repo->command_noisy( "tag", "-f" => $tag, $commit ); say "created tag '$tag' ($commit)"; } } sub get_from_url { my($url, $file) = @_; require LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); my $res = $ua->request($req, $file); return $res; } sub import_from_backpan { my ( $distname, $opts ) = @_; $distname =~ s/::/-/g; my $repo_dir = $opts->{init_repo} ? init_repo($distname, $opts) : $CWD; local $CWD = $repo_dir; my $backpan = $CLASS->backpan_index; my $dist = $backpan->dist($distname) or die "Error: no distributions found. ", "Are you sure you spelled the module name correctly?\n"; fixup_repository(); my %existing_releases; %existing_releases = map { $_ => 1 } releases_in_git() if $opts->{update}; my $release_added = 0; for my $release ($dist->releases->search( undef, { order_by => "date" } )) { next if $existing_releases{$release->version}; # skip .ppm files next if $release->filename =~ m{\.ppm\b}; say "importing $release"; import_one_backpan_release( $release, $opts, ); $release_added++; } if( !$release_added ) { if( !keys %existing_releases ) { say "Empty repository for $dist. Deleting."; # We can't delete it if we're inside it. $CWD = ".."; rmtree $repo_dir; return; } else { say "No updates for $dist."; return; } } my $repo = Git->repository; if( !rev_exists("master") ) { $repo->command_noisy('checkout', '-t', '-b', 'master', 'cpan/master'); } else { $repo->command_noisy('checkout', 'master', '.'); $repo->command_noisy('merge', 'cpan/master'); } return $repo_dir; } sub fixup_repository { my $repo = Git->repository; return unless -d ".git"; # We do our work in cpan/master, it might not exist if this # repo was cloned from gitpan. if( !rev_exists("cpan/master") and rev_exists("master") ) { $repo->command_noisy('branch', '-t', 'cpan/master', 'master'); } } sub main { my $module = shift; my $opts = shift; if ( delete $opts->{backpan} ) { return import_from_backpan( $module, $opts ); } my $full_hist; my $repo = Git->repository; my ( $last_commit, $last_version ); # figure out if there is already an imported module if ( $last_commit = eval { $repo->command_oneline("rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", "cpan/master") } ) { $module ||= $repo->command_oneline("cpan-which"); $last_version = $repo->command_oneline("cpan-last-version"); } die("Usage: git cpan-import Foo::Bar\n") unless $module; # first we figure out a module object from the module argument # CPANPLUS handles dist names and URIs too # based on the version number it figured out for us we decide whether or not to # actually import. my $cpan = CPANPLUS::Backend->new; my $module_obj = $cpan->parse_module( module => $module ) or die("No such module $module"); my $name = $module_obj->name; my $version = $module_obj->version; my $dist = $module_obj->package; my $dist_name = join("-", $module_obj->package_name, $module_obj->package_version); my $prettyname = $name . ( " ($module)" x ( $name ne $module ) ); if ( $last_version and $opts->{checkversion} ) { # if last_version is defined this is an update my $imported = version->new($last_version); my $will_import = version->new($module_obj->version); die "$dist_name has already been imported\n" if $imported == $will_import; die "imported version $imported is more recent than $will_import, can't import\n" if $imported > $will_import; say "updating $prettyname from $imported to $will_import"; } else { say "importing $prettyname"; } # download the dist and extract into a temporary directory my $tmp_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); say "downloading $dist"; my $location = $module_obj->fetch( fetchdir => $tmp_dir ) or die "couldn't retrieve distribution file for module $module"; say "extracting distribution"; my $dir = $module_obj->extract( extractdir => $tmp_dir ) or die "couldn't extract distribution file $location"; # create a tree object for the CPAN module # this imports the source code without touching the user's working directory or # index my $tree = do { # don't overwrite the user's index local $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = catfile($tmp_dir, "temp_git_index"); local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = catfile( getcwd(), '.git' ); local $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = $dir; local $CWD = $dir; my $write_tree_repo = Git->repository; $write_tree_repo->command_noisy( qw(add -v --force .) ); $write_tree_repo->command_oneline( "write-tree" ); }; # reate a commit for the imported tree object and write it into # refs/heads/cpan/master { local %ENV = %ENV; my $author_obj = $module_obj->author; # try to find a date for the version using the backpan index # secondly, if the CPANPLUS author object is a fake one (e.g. when importing a # URI), get the user object by using the ID from the backpan index unless ( $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} ) { my $mtime = eval { return if $author_obj->isa("CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake"); my $checksums = $module_obj->checksums; my $href = $module_obj->_parse_checksums_file( file => $checksums ); return $href->{$dist}{mtime}; }; warn $@ if $@; if ( $mtime ) { $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $mtime; } else { my %dists; if ( $opts->{backpan} ) { # we need the backpan index for dates my $backpan = $CLASS->backpan_index; %dists = map { $_->filename => $_ } $backpan->releases($module_obj->package_name); } if ( my $bp_dist = $dists{$dist} ) { $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_DATE} = $bp_dist->date; if ( $author_obj->isa("CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake") ) { $author_obj = $cpan->author_tree($bp_dist->cpanid); } } else { say "Couldn't find upload date for $dist"; if ( $author_obj->isa("CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake") ) { say "Couldn't find author for $dist"; } } } } # create the commit object $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $author_obj->author unless $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}; $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $author_obj->email unless $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}; my @parents = ( grep { $_ } $last_commit, @{ $opts->{parent} || [] } ); # FIXME $repo->command_bidi_pipe is broken my ( $pid, $in, $out, $ctx ) = Git::command_bidi_pipe( "commit-tree", $tree, map { ( -p => $_ ) } @parents, ); # commit message $out->print( join ' ', ( $last_version ? "import" : "initial import of" ), "$name $version from CPAN\n" ); $out->print( <<"END" ); git-cpan-module: $name git-cpan-version: $version git-cpan-authorid: @{[ $author_obj->cpanid ]} END # we need to send an EOF to git in order for it to actually finalize the commit # this kludge makes command_close_bidi_pipe not barf close $out; open $out, '<', \my $buf; chomp(my $commit = <$in>); Git::command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx); # finally, update the fake remote branch and create a tag for convenience $repo->command_noisy('update-ref', '-m' => "import $dist", 'refs/remotes/cpan/master', $commit ); $repo->command_noisy( tag => $version, $commit ); say "created tag '$version' ($commit)"; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Git::CPAN::Patch::Import - The meat of git-cpan-import =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the guts of Git::CPAN::Patch::Import moved here to make it callable as a function so git-backpan-init goes faster. =head1 VERSION This document describes Git::CPAN::Patch::Import version 0.3.2 =cut