package NetPacket::IGMP; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:YANICK'; # ABSTRACT: Assemble and disassemble IGMP (Internet Group Mangement Protocol) packets. $NetPacket::IGMP::VERSION = '1.7.1'; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'NetPacket'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(igmp_strip IGMP_VERSION_RFC998 IGMP_VERSION_RFC1112 IGMP_VERSION_RFC2236 IGMP_VERSION_RFC3376 IGMP_MSG_HOST_MQUERY IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORT IGMP_MSG_HOST_MQUERYv2 IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv1 IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv2 IGMP_MSG_HOST_LEAVE IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv3 IGMP_IP_NO_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_ROUTERS ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [@EXPORT_OK], strip => [qw(igmp_strip)], versions => [qw(IGMP_VERSION_RFC998 IGMP_VERSION_RFC1112 IGMP_VERSION_RFC2236 IGMP_VERSION_RFC3376)], msgtypes => [qw(IGMP_MSG_HOST_MQUERY IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORT IGMP_MSG_HOST_MQUERYv2 IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv1 IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv2 IGMP_MSG_HOST_LEAVE IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv3)], group_addrs => [qw(IGMP_IP_NO_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_ROUTERS)] ); # # Version numbers # use constant IGMP_VERSION_RFC998 => 0; # Version 0 of IGMP (obsolete) use constant IGMP_VERSION_RFC1112 => 1; # Version 1 of IGMP use constant IGMP_VERSION_RFC2236 => 2; # Version 2 of IGMP use constant IGMP_VERSION_RFC3376 => 3; # Version 3 of IGMP # # Message types # use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_MQUERY => 1; # Host membership query use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORT => 2; # Host membership report use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_MQUERYv2 => 0x11; # Host membership query use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv1 => 0x12; # Host membership report use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv2 => 0x16; # Host membership report use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_LEAVE => 0x17; # Leave group use constant IGMP_MSG_HOST_MREPORTv3 => 0x22; # Host membership report # # IGMP IP addresses # use constant IGMP_IP_NO_HOSTS => ''; # Not assigned to anyone use constant IGMP_IP_ALL_HOSTS => ''; # All hosts on local net use constant IGMP_IP_ALL_ROUTERS => ''; # All routers on local net # Convert 32-bit IP address to "dotted quad" notation sub to_dotquad { my($net) = @_ ; my($na, $nb, $nc, $nd); $na = $net >> 24 & 255; $nb = $net >> 16 & 255; $nc = $net >> 8 & 255; $nd = $net & 255; return ("$na.$nb.$nc.$nd"); } # # Decode the packet # sub decode { my $class = shift; my($pkt, $parent) = @_; my $self = {}; # Class fields $self->{_parent} = $parent; $self->{_frame} = $pkt; # Decode IGMP packet if (defined($pkt)) { my $tmp; ($tmp, $self->{subtype}, $self->{cksum}, $self->{group_addr}, $self->{data}) = unpack('CCnNa*', $pkt); # Extract bit fields $self->{version} = ($tmp & 0xf0) >> 4; $self->{type} = $tmp & 0x0f; # Convert to dq notation $self->{group_addr} = to_dotquad($self->{group_addr}); } # Return a blessed object bless($self, $class); return $self; } # # Strip header from packet and return the data contained in it. IGMP # packets contain no encapsulated data. # sub igmp_strip { goto \&strip; } sub strip { return undef; } # # Encode a packet # sub encode { die("Not implemented"); } # Module return value 1; # autoloaded methods go after the END token (&& pod) below =pod =head1 NAME NetPacket::IGMP - Assemble and disassemble IGMP (Internet Group Mangement Protocol) packets. =head1 VERSION version 1.7.1 =head1 SYNOPSIS use NetPacket::IGMP; $igmp_obj = NetPacket::IGMP->decode($raw_pkt); $igmp_pkt = NetPacket::IGMP->encode(params...); # Not implemented $igmp_data = NetPacket::IGMP::strip($raw_pkt); =head1 DESCRIPTION C<NetPacket::IGMP> provides a set of routines for assembling and disassembling packets using IGMP (Internet Group Mangement Protocol). =head2 Methods =over =item C<NetPacket::IGMP-E<gt>decode([RAW PACKET])> Decode the raw packet data given and return an object containing instance data. This method will quite happily decode garbage input. It is the responsibility of the programmer to ensure valid packet data is passed to this method. =item C<NetPacket::IGMP-E<gt>encode(param =E<gt> value)> Return an IGMP packet encoded with the instance data specified. Not implemented. =back =head2 Functions =over =item C<NetPacket::IGMP::strip([RAW PACKET])> Return the encapsulated data (or payload) contained in the IGMP packet. This function returns undef as there is no encapsulated data in an IGMP packet. =back =head2 Instance data The instance data for the C<NetPacket::IGMP> object consists of the following fields. =over =item version The IGMP version of this packet. =item type The message type for this packet. =item len The length (including length of header) in bytes for this packet. =item subtype The message subtype for this packet. =item cksum The checksum for this packet. =item group_addr The group address specified in this packet. =item data The encapsulated data (payload) for this packet. =back =head2 Exports =over =item default none =item exportable IGMP_VERSION_RFC998 IGMP_VERSION_RFC1112 IGMP_HOST_MQUERY IGMP_HOST_MREPORT IGMP_IP_NO_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_ROUTERS =item tags The following tags group together related exportable items. =over =item C<:strip> Import the strip function C<igmp_strip>. =item C<:versions> IGMP_VERSION_RFC998 IGMP_VERSION_RFC1112 =item C<:msgtypes> IGMP_HOST_MQUERY IGMP_HOST_MREPORT =item C<:group_addrs> IGMP_IP_NO_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_HOSTS IGMP_IP_ALL_ROUTERS =item C<:ALL> All the above exportable items. =back =back =head1 EXAMPLE The following script dumps UDP frames by IP address and UDP port to standard output. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Net::PcapUtils; use NetPacket::Ethernet qw(:strip); use NetPacket::IP; use NetPacket::IGMP; sub process_pkt { my($arg, $hdr, $pkt) = @_; my $ip_obj = NetPacket::IP->decode(eth_strip($pkt)); my $igmp_obj = NetPacket::IGMP->decode($ip_obj->{data}); print("$ip_obj->{src_ip} -> $ip_obj->{dest_ip} ", "$igmp_obj->{type}/$igmp_obj->{subtype} ", "$igmp_obj->{group_addr}\n"); } Net::PcapUtils::loop(\&process_pkt, FILTER => 'igmp'); =head1 TODO =over =item Implement encode() function =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 Tim Potter. Copyright (c) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 ANU and CSIRO on behalf of the participants in the CRC for Advanced Computational Systems ('ACSys'). This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =head1 AUTHOR Tim Potter E<lt>tpot@samba.orgE<gt> =cut __END__ # any real autoloaded methods go after this line