Revision history for Perl extension Web::Query

0.27 2014-12-24T00:52:33Z

    - new() with a bad url wasn't returning 'undef'
        when options were given. (yanick)
    - Add 'no_space_compacting' option. #33 (yanick)
    - Add 'tagname' to query/modify tag names. #34 (yanick)
    - XPath expressions can now be used as well. #35 (yanick)

0.26 2014-03-31T08:23:34Z

    - impl prev() and next() method #31

0.25 2014-02-13T01:26:42Z

    - re-packaging(no feature changes)

0.24 2014-02-12T05:34:09Z

    - replace_with: Can't call method "clone" on an undefined value #24
      (Reported by @daxim++, Fixed by @yanick++)

0.23 2013-05-30T16:09:03Z

    - improved find() documentation
    - fixed cpanfile min perl version
    - modified tests to use the expression form of eval to try to load Web::Query::LibXML
      - the block form of eval is not working as expected on some perl versions on i386-freebsd
0.22 2013-05-15T23:36:38Z

    - added new module: Web::Query::LibXML
    - modified test files to also test Web::Query::LibXML (if it loads).

0.21 2013-05-15T14:36:11Z

    - new jQuery-compatible method: add()
    - fixed filter() that relied on wrong find() behavior
    - fixed two t/03_traverse.t tests that was expecting wrong behavior from filter()    

0.20 2013-05-13T22:51:02Z

    - improved documentation
    - fixed find() to match only descendant elements
      This is the correct jQuery compatible implementation, which I have changed in 0.14 to also match root nodes, my bad.
    - fixed tests that relied on that wrong find() behavior.

0.19 2013-05-12T18:19:57Z

    - implemented contents() jQuery-compatible method
    - new() now accepts another Web::Query object

0.18 2013-05-09T19:40:40Z

    - fixed html() method, now using $self->_build_tree
    - calling parent() instead of undocumented getParentNode()
    - calling disembowel() instead of guts()
      Need for Web::Query::LibXML, so nodes get detached from old document and returned each as root of a new document.
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)

0.17 2013-05-08T01:18:36Z

    - new_from_file() now calling guts() instead of elementify()
      So the file can contain a document fragment (multiple root nodes) instead of a full document (single root).
      Also, now all new_from_* methods behave the same.
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)

0.16 2013-04-22T14:26:44Z

    - modified new_from_element() to ignore non-blessed items
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)
    - created _build_tree() method
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)

0.15 2013-04-09T00:29:48Z

    - added clone() method
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)
    - now storing comments from parsed html
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)
    - fixed remove() to get rid of removed element refs
      removes from $self and from all $self->{before}.
      Also modified how each() instantiates the objects, so $_->end works in the callback, which is needed for $_->remove() to work in the callback.
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)

0.14 2013-04-07T02:22:25Z

    - new jQuery compatible methods, and related tests
        * append
        * prepend
        * before
        * after
        * insert_before
        * insert_after
        * detach
        * add_class
        * remove_class
        * has_class
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)

0.13 2013-04-05T06:37:27Z

    - fixed find() bug
      was calling selector_to_xpath() in the loop, breaking the selector after the second call.
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)
    - Search from '//' when the node was created from HTML.

0.12 2013-04-03T20:24:49Z

    - Make subclass friendly
      (Carlos Fernando Avila Gratz)


    - Implement a remove method that effects the html results.


    - new_from_url() is no longer throws exception on bad response from HTTP server.


    - Switch to Module::Build
    - first() and last() should construct new object, but not modify self


    - added ->map and ->filter methods
      (Hiroki Honda)
    - fixed as (empty)->first->size and (empty)->last->size return 0
      (Hiroki Honda)


    - HTML5 support


    - added first, last methods(akiym)


    - added docs for 'how do i customize useragent'.


    - added ->size and ->parent method.


    - fix fucking win32 new line issue.
      (it may works, i hope.)


    - added docs for find method(reported by kan++).

0.01    Sat Feb 19 10:38:22 2011
        - original version