Revision history for Perl module
- Added new tests
- In stylesheets under A::A::L::YPS, the variable $r is now pre-defined.
- Added function document() for XML::XPathScript and Apache::Axkit::Language::YPathScript.
- Bug fixes
0.14 Thu Sep 23 2004
- XML::XPathScript->current()->binmode() for non-UTF8 output
- Renamed XML::XPathScript::Toys to XML::XPathScript::Processor
- Introduction of testcode return value DO_TEXT_AS_CHILD
for text nodes (see XML::XPathScript::Processor docs)
- Interpolation regex is now configurable
- Corrected Makefile.PL typo for XML::LibXML
- General bug and typo fixes
0.13 Sun Aug 15 2004
- Added support for XML::LibXML
- Added tests for prechild, prechildren, postchild and postchildren
- XML::XPathScript::Processor now has its own file
- Added Apache::Axkit::Language::YPathScript to the distribution
- Fixed bugs in A:A:L::YPS
- Added the template keys '#text' and '#comment' -- synonyms for
'text()' and 'comment()'. Although, behavior of those two
types of node altered: DO_SELF_ONLY will only print pre and
post keys, whereas DO_SELF_AND_KIDS will print the enclosed
- Modified behavior of interpolating(), now returns the current
interpolating value
- Changed implementation detail such that <% print "stuff" %> works
0.10 Wed Aug 06 2003
- Enriched object-oriented interface, providing cache and
code factoring with Apache::AxKit::Language::XPathScript
- Added ability to print to something else than STDOUT
- Support for text() template and document() XPath function
- Added same-directory searching for #include's
0.03 Wed Jan 10 2000
- Added README
0.02 Wed Jan 10 2000
- Change directory to stylesheet dir so relative stylesheets work
0.01 Wed Dec 27 17:52:37 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19