Revision history for Perl extension Class::Component
0.06 2007-09-05T21:36:57+09:00
- Attribute was able to be enhanced in the name space of the user class.
0.05 2007-06-11T22:16:42+09:00
- fixed to bug where AUTOLOAD doesn't move normally when object is overload
0.04 2007-06-08T19:29:44+09:00
- add components DisableDynamicPlugin, Autocall::InjectMethod
- change component name, Autocall -> Autocall::Autoload, SingletonMethod -> Autocall::SingletonMethod
- change interface name load_component_resolver -> class_component_load_component_resolver
- change interface name load_plugin_resolver -> class_component_load_plugin_resolver
- change resolve package rule to locad_components and load_plugins
- add config loader in import method
- Class::Component caching isa lists
- Class::Component::Plugin caching attr methods
0.03 2007-05-10T15:14:42+09:00
- change reference args to array args to call methods
> $obj->call('plugin method name' => $args) to $obj->call('plugin method name' => @args)
0.02 2007-05-10T06:01:53+09:00
- fixed to dupe pod namespace Class::Component
- using Scalar::Util::refaddr to get reference address by Component::SingletonMethod
0.01 2007-05-08T20:16:32+09:00
- original version