Revision history for Perl extension HTTP::Engine
0.0.6 2008-05-13T16:43:40+09:00
- use URI::QueryParam lestrrat++
- fix body parameters problem
0.0.5 2008-05-13T12:14:22+09:00
- oops, s/handle_request/request_handler/ in interface param
0.0.4 2008-05-12T18:05:32+09:00
- more moosenize by Class::Component 0.17
- maybe, next release the moose branch
0.0.3 2008-04-30T02:14:21+09:00
- add Plugin::Interface::ServerSimple (HTTP::Server::Simple support) tokuhirom++
- add Plugin::Interface::CGI nyarla++
- fix the pod marcus++
- fix content-length 0 if undefined response body bug kazuho++
- fix Interface::Test dosent work bug
0.0.2 2008-04-27T13:50:44+09:00
- add Plugin::Interface::FCGI
- add Plugin::ModuleReload
- add Plugin::DebugScreen
- fix $c->res->redirect dosent work bug
0.0.1 2008-04-23T20:44:07+09:00
- first release