Revision history for Perl extension Net-Azure-NotificationHubs

0.09 2025-02-25T10:38:20Z
    - api_version required when `undef` assigned into DEFAULT_API_VERSION

0.08 2018-06-29T06:36:09Z
    - URLs for testing some requests became [shagiwara]

0.07 2018-06-12T00:57:10Z
    - Fixed POD formatting. [manwar]
    - Added missing license meta name. [manwar]

0.06 2018-06-11T06:22:24Z
    - Version increment for resolving misdirected release. 

0.05 2018-06-11T06:19:02Z
    - Remove HTTP::Request from

0.04 2018-06-11T03:24:43Z
    - Change agent from LWP::UserAgent to HTTP::Tiny

0.03 2018-06-11T01:20:04Z
    - Fix for supporting to Net-Azure-Authorization-SAS-0.03

0.02 2017-06-06T08:41:16Z
    - use in t/31_response_as_hashref.t because v0 is shutdown

0.01 2016-11-29T09:33:34Z

    - original version