Revision history for Perl extension Otogiri

0.11 2014-05-30T10:10:49Z
    - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE [ytnobody]
      Remove insert() method and it was became a synonym for fast_insert() method.
      Previous insert() method will be spinout as Otogiri::Plugin::InsertAndFetch.
    - Add a synonym fetch() for single() method.
    - Add a synonym search() for select() method.

0.10 2014-05-13T12:57:51Z
    - add $self(Otogiri instance) to inflate/deflate 3rd parameter.

0.09 2014-03-18T05:07:22Z
    - nothing is changed from 0.0.8(previous is unauthorized release)

0.08 2014-03-18T04:14:00Z

    - only for PostgreSQL: using LASTVAL() when sequence name is not passed. [tsucchi]
    - search_by_sql() accepts empty arrayref. [tsucchi]

0.07 2014-02-25T06:25:04Z
    - Fix about failure in testing on MSWin32 system [ytnobody]
      Cause is path separator. 

0.06 2014-01-14T09:12:45Z
    - incompatible change [ytnobody]
      Transfer core feature to DBIx::Otogiri

0.05 2013-12-28T15:53:17Z
    - bug fix: single() returns a void hashref if WHERE-clause is not matched to rows. [ytnobody]

0.04 2013-12-27T00:15:04Z
    - incompatible change [tsucchi++]
      search_by_sql($sql, @binds) -> search_by_sql($sql, $binds_aref, $table)

      In previous release, when select/search_by_sql calls inflate method, $table(table name) is not passed to inflate method. 
      This change enables to pass $table to inflate method.

0.03 2013-11-09T05:00:04Z
    - bug fix: args for last_inserted_id() [tsucchi++]

0.02 2013-11-08T08:36:37Z
    - feature: add last_inserted_id() [tsucchi++]

0.01 2013-10-30T06:45:03Z

    - original version