Revision history for ExtUtils-Install


Fix build process so a new META.YML is produced each time. Also
add support for a new argument syntax to install() as well as
support for always copying installed files even when the old
file was identical. This is needed for some bundling mechanisms
and can be activated by setting the environment variable EU_ALWAYS_COPY
before the install process starts.

Add a newer cleaner interface to install() to allow named parameters
and easier external monitoring of what transpired.

1.46 2008-03-01 12:42:35

Apply patches from Michael G. Schwern (rt #33688, rt #31429, rt #31248) 
and from Slaven Rezic (rt #33290).  Also implemented the suggestion from
Schwern about not dieing when failing to remove a shadow file that is
later on in INC than the installed version. (rt #2928)

1.45 2008-02-27 13:55:27

Fix #32813, use catpath() to attach volume name
to dirs in _can_write_dir() when necessary to avoid cygwin
builds doing a hostname lookup.

1.44 2007-09-09 23:12:25

by Schwern


install() would always try to uninstall different versions of the
installed files when $uninstall_shadows was given whether it was true or false.
This meant "make install" and "Build install" would both always try to uninstall
differing versions of the modules.  [ 28672]

1.43 2007-07-21 00:09:24

Turns out some recent version, I haven't figured out which, causes
ExtUtils::MakeMaker to fail test. The failure is actually bogus, EUMM
is testing for output that we stopped producing except under verbose,
however it is a pain, so this release fixes the problem. It also adds
a new test file, a stripped down version of ExtUtils::MakeMakers 

1.42 2007-07-20 22:43:04

This is just 1.41_04 as a production release.

1.41_04 2007-07-07 16:52:40

Reorganize how things work in Install so that we don't try to create
directories which exist but are not writable to us when they contain
files which we want to install which are writable by us.

Also fix a VMS issue as recommended by Craig Berry.

1.41_03 2007-02-11 15:13

Add an extra_libs parameter to ExtUtils::Installed->new() which allows 
one to specify additional libs to search for installed modules.

Additional code cleanup and tweaks.

1.41_02 2007-02-03 21:10

Fix bug in _can_write_file().

1.41_01 2007-02-02 21:03

Integrated changes from 

1. Steffen Mueller: make ExtUtils::Installed respect PERL5LIB and allow
overriding the current config and inc with something else.

2. Michael Schwern (RT#21949, RT#21948): Fix use lib and installdirs
and other EU::MakeMaker related changes.

3. ActiveState (RT#5903): Reduce install verbosity.

4. Craig Berry (RT#22157): Fix VMS related install failure.

5. Ken Williams (RT#16225): Make fake uninstall actually fake.

1.41 2006-07-02 16:09

Integrated ExtUtils::Packlist changes from Nicholas Clark to allow for 
relocatable perls. Bumped version numbers on all files.

1.40 2006-04-30 15:04

Enhanced errorcatching and reporting. Fixed a problem with the INSTALL.SKIP
file. Changed the Makefile.PL so that when installing it would not use the same
stuff it was replacing. This doesn't affect building with Module::Build

Removed META.yml from distribution.

1.39 2006-04-14 18:53

- Fixed problem with the META.yml file being produced from a Win32 point of view.
IMO this is an error/failing in the design of the META.yml process. META.yml should
be created on the client side not on the distributor side. Now produces a
platform agnostic (ie UNIXy) META.yml.

- Reversed order of change file so newest entries go on top.

1.38 2006-04-02 17:31

- Removed MANIFEST.SKIP support (INSTALL.SKIP still supported), and
added support for providing a fallback skip file by using
ENV{EU_INSTALL_SITE_SKIP} as a fallback if there is not a distribution
specific skip file.

- Released under the ExtUtils-Install-1.38 Name

1.3702 2006-03-19 16:54

- Added support for skipping files during install based on a set of filter
rules. If there is an INSTALL.SKIP in the current directory when doing an
install then it is loaded, otherwise if there is a MANIFEST.SKIP then it is
loaded. If neither exists then no filtration occurs.  The env variable
EU_INSTALL_IGNORE_SKIP may be set to a true value to override this behaviour.
This means that you can make .svn directories be ignored on install.

1.3701 2006-03-13 20:00

- Integrated patch from Randy Sims.

    1. Fixes error during `perl Makefile.PL` because it MakeMaker can't
    find the NAME section describing DISTNAME (which has the 'ex-'

    2. Win32API::File is recommended on MSWin32 && cygwin.

    3. Under Perl5.005, ExtUtils::MM is not present in the version of
    MakeMaker included. I don't know what version first includes it.
    Needs research or better: eliminate need for it.

    4. Test::More is bundled with the distro for its test suite. This
    would be needed on Perl5.005, for example. It was listed as a
    requirement, but the directory it's bundled in is not in @INC when
    prereqs are checked. I removed the prereq from Build.PL &
    Makefile.PL. Other options: 1) fixup @INC to include t/lib; or 2)
    unbundle and add back to prereqs.

    4. Update t/pod.t t/pod-coverage fixup of @INC so it can find
    bundled Test::More.

- Fixed pod/coverage related issues.

- When trying to schedule a delete at reboot after renaming a dll out of
the way no error occurs if Win32API::File isn't available. Instead it
merely warns that the file should be hand deleted.

- Fixed install at reboot behaviour by making sure the temporar file is
writable after install (normally files installed are readonly)

1.37 2006-03-12 23:20

- Refactored reboot support. Integrated changes from Randy Sims
in p5p message

1.36 2006-03-11 12:42

- Extended Win32 support. Added ExtUtils::Install::MUST_REBOOT to
handle such scenario when rebooting.

- Released as ex-ExtUtils-Install by demerphq

1.35  Wed Feb  1 23:00:00 CST 2006

 - First independent release; Extracted ExtUtils::Install,
   ExtUtils::Installed, & ExtUtils::Packlist from MakeMaker.

 - Changed the $VERSION of all modules to the same version number, a
   number higher than all $VERSIONs.