Revision history for Perl extension MetaStore.

    - fix autho method
    - move to Collection
    - delete MetaStore::Mem
    - delete scripts dir
    - switch to WebDAO 1.00 package
    - clean tests

     - add INCLUDE to conf file; add += and ?= 
    	    operations to config variables
0.28 2008/06/21
      - set guest user id = -1
      - set deps : JSON=>2.07
      - use to_json intead objToJson
      - set to  off INTERPOLATE for TT (parse_template)
0.27 2008/01/20
	- remove auth depend in kernel
0.26 2007/11/19
        - add MetaStore::Response, for format results
0.25 2007/06/17
       -  add Metastore::Links, fix Cmetalinks;
       -  add support additional configs passed to constructor -  new Template:: ;
       -  add StoreDir tests;
0.24 2007/06/08
     - add links object
0.23  2007/04/05 
       - move parse method to root object;
       - cache parser object;
0.01  Mon Jan 23 13:18:45 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXc --skip-exporter MetaStore