Revision history for Perl extension Hashids
1.000001 2014-12-04T06:54:57Z
- Fix issue where some hashes could not be decoded, thanks to
C. A. Church (closes #7)
1.000000 2014-09-10T13:00:52Z
- Bump to 1.0.0 hashids.js API, closes #5
- Add encode_hex() and decode_hex() methods
- Add Perl 5.20 to travis build
- Add coveralls test coverage reporting
- Add more tests
0.08 2013-10-20T10:58:30Z
- Check intial arguments sooner
- Adjust travis build (use Perl 5.14 to 5.18)
- Add Travisa badge in README
0.07 2013-08-30T11:42:51Z
- Fix 'map ord reverse split...' for perls < 5.18
0.06 2013-08-30T11:14:06Z
- Add note regarding algorithm versions
- Croak instead of die
- No more using List::MoreUtils and Scalar::Util
- encrypt() accepts counting numbers only
- Refactor some more
0.05 2013-08-26T10:40:41Z
- Adjust deps
- A lot more refactoring
0.04 2013-08-22T18:10:56Z
- Fix a bug in decrypt() when subclassing
- Let decrypt() emit sane output in when in list context, and be
symmetric to encrypt()
- Remove Test::Deep, use Test::More::is_deeply() instead
0.03 2013-08-20T15:57:59Z
- Let the construct accept salt string only for consistency with
other Hashids implementations
- Refactor a really little bit :)
0.02 2013-08-20T10:01:07Z
- Forgot salt key in SYNOPSIS
0.01 2013-08-20T08:41:48Z
- initial release, a straight port of hashids.js for Perl. Expect
updates soon :)