package Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC; use strict; use warnings; use Catalyst::Helper; our $VERSION = '0.02'; use Carp; use UNIVERSAL::require; use DBI; use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader qw/ make_schema_at /; use Memoize; use PPI; use PPI::Find; use Catalyst::Utils; use File::Spec; use Config; memoize('app_name'); =head1 NAME Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC (EXPERIMENTAL) =head1 SUMMARY This is an experimental module to bootstrap the authentication portion of a Catalyst application. It creates a Catalyst model, DBIx::Class::Schema classes, basic templates adjusts the required plugins for you, and configures authentication. There are no options, and it doesn't do much inthe way of error checking for you, so you are recommended to back up your application before using this module. =head2 USAGE Run the in your application's root dir. The helper also creates a scriptin the script dir. To add a user (with an optional role) do: -user username -passwd password [-role role] =head2 sub app_name() Get the name of the application from Makefile.PL =cut sub app_name { my $app_name; my $file = "Makefile.PL"; open my ($FH), "<", $file or croak "Makefile.PL not found, run this script from your application root dir\n"; while (<$FH>) { next unless /^name '(.*?)';/; $app_name=$1; croak "Makefile.PL appears to have no name for the application\n" unless $app_name; last; } return $app_name } =head2 sub make_model() Creates the sqlite auth db in ./db and makes the dbic schema and catalyst model with Catalyst::Helper::Model::DBIC::Schema =cut sub make_model { # put sqlitedb in __path_to('db')__; my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new(); $helper->mk_dir('db'); my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/auth.db","",""); my @sql = ("CREATE TABLE role ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, role TEXT UNIQUE );", "CREATE TABLE user ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT UNIQUE, email TEXT, password TEXT, status TEXT, role_text TEXT, session_data TEXT );", "CREATE TABLE user_role ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, user INTEGER REFERENCES user(id), roleid INTEGER REFERENCES role(id) );" ); map { $dbh->do($_) } @sql; my $app_prefix = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix(app_name()); make_schema_at(app_name() . "::Auth::Schema", { components => ['DigestColumns'], dump_directory => 'lib' , }, ["dbi:SQLite:dbname=db/auth.db", "",""]); my @cmd = ( "./script/$app_prefix" . "" , 'model', 'Auth', 'DBIC::Schema', app_name() . "::Auth::Schema", 'dbi:SQLite:db/auth.db,"",""'); system( @cmd ); my $user_schema = app_name() . '::Auth::Schema::User'; my @path = split /::/, $user_schema; my $user_schema_path = join '/', @path; my $module = "lib/$"; my $doc = PPI::Document->new($module); my $digest_code = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'digest'); my $comments = $doc->find( sub { $_[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Comment')} ); my $last_comment = $comments->[$#{$comments}]; $last_comment->set_content($digest_code); $doc->save($module); } =head2 sub mk_auth_controller() uses Catalyst::Helper to make a ::Controller::Auth =cut sub mk_auth_controller { my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new(); my $app_name = app_name(); my $controller_file = "lib/$app_name/Controller/"; $helper->render_file ('auth_controller', $controller_file, {app_name => $app_name}); } =head2 sub add_plugins() uses ppi to add the auth plugins in the use Catalyst qw// statement =cut sub add_plugins { my ($module, $doc) = _get_ppi(); my $find = PPI::Find->new( \&_find_use_catalyst); my ($found) = $find->in($doc); my $find_plugins = PPI::Find->new(\&_find_plugins); my ($plugins) = $find_plugins->in($found); croak "Your app is not using any plugins, so we can't continue\n" if !$plugins; my $plugin_str = scalar($plugins); my $tail = chop $plugin_str; $plugin_str .= "\n Authentication\n Authorization::Roles\n Session\n Session::State::Cookie\n Session::Store::FastMmap $tail"; $plugins->set_content($plugin_str); $doc->save($module); } sub _find_plugins { my ($element, $search) = @_; return 1 if $element->isa('PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words'); return 0 } sub _find_use_catalyst { my ($element, $search) = @_; if ( $element->isa('PPI::Statement::Include') && $element->type eq 'use' && $element->module eq 'Catalyst' ) { return 1; } return 0; } =head2 sub add_config() Add the auth configuration in =cut sub add_config { my ($module, $doc) = _get_ppi(); my $found = PPI::Find->new(\&_find_setup); my ($setup) = $found->in($doc); croak "unable to find __PACKAGE__->setup in $module\n" if !$setup; my $auth_doc = PPI::Document->new(\(Catalyst::Helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'auth_conf'))); my $auth_conf = $auth_doc->find_first('PPI::Statement'); # can't get this working, so we'll cope with cosmetic uglyness # my $space = PPI::Document->new(\"\n")->find_first('PPI::Token::Whitespace'); # $setup->insert_before($space); # my $sib = $setup->previous_sibling; $setup->insert_before($auth_conf); $doc->save($module); } sub _find_setup { my ($element, $search) = @_; if ( $element->isa('PPI::Statement') && $element =~ /setup.*?;/ ) { return 1; } return 0; } sub _get_ppi { my $app_name = app_name() || 'TestApp'; my @path = split /::/, $app_name; my $app_path = join '/', @path; my $module = "lib/$"; my $doc = PPI::Document->new($module); return ($module, $doc); } =head2 sub write_templates() make the login, logout and unauth templates =cut sub write_templates { my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new(); my $login = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, ''); my $logout = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, ''); my $unauth = $helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, ''); $helper->mk_dir("root/auth"); $helper->mk_file("root/auth/", $login); $helper->mk_file("root/auth/", $logout); $helper->mk_file("root/auth/", $unauth); } =head2 sub update_makefile() Adds the auth and session dependencies to Makefile.PL =cut sub update_makefile { my $deps = Catalyst::Helper->get_file(__PACKAGE__, 'requires'); my $doc = PPI::Document->new('Makefile.PL'); my $find = PPI::Find->new( \&_find_install_script ); my ($found) = $find->in($doc); croak "There's something wrong with your Makefile.PL so we can't continue (can't find the install_script directive\n" if ! $found; my $install_script = $found->find_first('PPI::Token::Word'); my $install_script_str = scalar($install_script); $install_script->set_content($deps . "\n" . $install_script_str); $doc->save('Makefile.PL') } sub _find_install_script { my ($element, $search) = @_; if ($element->isa('PPI::Statement') && $element =~ 'install_script') { return 1; } return 0; } =head2 sub add_user_helper() A little script to add a user to the database. =cut sub add_user_helper { my $helper = Catalyst::Helper->new; my $app_prefix = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix(app_name()); my $script_dir = File::Spec->catdir( '.', 'script' ); my $script = "$script_dir\/$app_prefix\"; my $startperl = "#!$Config{perlpath} -w"; $DB::single=1; $helper->render_file('auth_admin', $script, { start_perl => $startperl, appprefix => $app_prefix, startperl => $startperl, app_name => app_name(), }); chmod 0700, $script; } =head2 BUGS This is experimental, fairly rough code. It's a proof of concept for helper modules for Catalyst that need to alter the application configuration, Makefile.PL and other parts of the application. Bug reports, and patches are encouraged. Report bugs or provide patches to =head2 AUTHOR Kieren Diment <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2008 Kieren Diment This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<> =cut 1; __DATA__ =begin pod_to_ignore __auth_controller__ package [% app_name %]::Controller::Auth; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Catalyst::Controller'; sub index :Path :Args(0) { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->detach('get_login'); } sub get_login : Local { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{destination} = $c->req->path; $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/'; } sub logout : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->logout; $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/'; } sub login : Local { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; my $user = $c->req->params->{user}; my $password = $c->req->params->{password}; $c->flash->{destination} = $c->req->params->{destination} || $c->req->path; $c->stash->{remember} = $c->req->params->{remember}; if ( $user && $password ) { if ( $c->authenticate( { username => $user, password => $password } ) ) { $c->{session}{expires} = 999999999999 if $c->req->params->{remember}; $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for($c->flash->{destination})); } else { # login incorrect $c->stash->{message} = 'Invalid user and/or password'; $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/'; } } else { # invalid form input $c->stash->{message} = 'invalid form input'; $c->stash->{template} = 'auth/'; } } sub unauthorized : Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->stash->{template}= 'auth/'; } 1; =head1 NAME [% app_name %]Controller::Auth =head2 SUMMARY This is a controller to provide simple authentication provided by Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC. The database schema provided by the Helper will also provide autheorization facilities. As an example, If you wanted to use this controller to provide application wide requirement for login you would put something like the following in MyApp::Controller::Root: sub auto : Private { my ( $self, $c) = @_; if ( !$c->user && $c->req->path !~ /^auth.*?login/) { $c->forward('[% app_name %]::Controller::Auth'); return 0; } return 1; } __auth_conf__ __PACKAGE__->config( authentication => { 'default_realm' => 'users', 'realms' => { 'users' => { 'store' => { 'role_column' => 'role_text', 'user_class' => 'AuthSchema::User', 'class' => 'DBIx::Class', }, 'credential' => { 'password_type' => 'hashed', 'password_field' => 'password', 'password_hash_type' => 'SHA-1', 'class' => 'Password' } } }, }); __digest__ __PACKAGE__->digestcolumns( columns => [qw/ password /], algorithm => 'SHA-1', encoding => 'base64', auto => 1, ); __requires__ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap'; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC'; requires 'Digest::SHA1'; __login.tt__ <h1> Please login</h1> [% IF c.stash.message != '' %] <h2 style='color:red'> [% c.stash.message %] </h2 > [% END %] <form name="login" method='post' action='[% c.uri_for('/auth/login') %]'> User: <input name='user' type='text' /><br /> Password: <input name='password' type='password' /><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='remember' >Remember me</input> <br /> <input type='hidden' value='[% c.flash.destination %]' /> <input type='submit' name='Log In' /> <input type='reset' name='Reset' /> </form> __logout.tt__ <h1> Logout successful</h1> <a href='[% c.uri_for('/') %]'>Return to home page</a> __unauth.tt__ <h1> [ %]: You are not allowed to view this page.</h1> You can <a href="[% c.req.referrer %]">go back</a> where you came from, or <a h ref="[% c.uri_for('/auth/logout') %]">logout</a> and try logging in again as a d ifferent user. If you think this is an error, please contact <a href="mailto:[% c.config.admin %]">[% c.config.admin %]</a> __auth_admin__ [% startperl %] use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin qw/$Bin/; use lib "$Bin/../lib"; use [% app_name %]::Auth::Schema; my $user = undef; my $passwd = undef; my $help = undef; my $role = undef; my $email = undef; my $schema = [% app_name %]::Auth::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:$Bin/../db/auth.db"); GetOptions( 'user=s' => \$user, 'pass|password|passwd=s' => \$passwd, 'role:s' => \$role, 'help' => \$help, 'email:s' => \$email, ); pod2usage(1) if ( $help || !$user || !$passwd ); add_user($schema, $user,$passwd,$role, $email); sub add_user { my ($schema, $user, $passwd, $role, $email ) = @_; my %user_insert = ( username => $user, password => $passwd, email => $email, role_text => $role, ); my $role_rs = undef; if ($role) { $role_rs = $schema->resultset('Role')->find_or_create({role => $role}); $user_insert{role_text} = $role; } my $user_rs = $schema->resultset('User')->create(\%user_insert); if ($role_rs) { my $user_role_rs = $schema->resultset('UserRole') ->create({ user => $user_rs, roleid => $role_rs}); } } =head1 NAME [% appprefix %] - Sets the username and password for the generated authentication database =head1 SYNOPSIS [% appprefix %] -user username -passwd password [-role role] Options: -user username -passwd password -role role (optional) -email email address (optional) -help display this help and exit =cut