Revision history for Catalyst-Manual
5.7012 29 May 2008
- Expurgation of all use of default :Private and index :Private in favour
of default :Path and index :Path :Args(0)
- Expurgation of all yaml as configuration format
- Major updates to tutorial, thanks hkclark and gerda
5.7011 16 May 2008
- added warnings and poiinters to newer examples in HTML::Widget,
and Authentication parts of the tutorial.
- pod fix (RT #32636)
5.701004 09 Apr 2008
- rename placeholder back to, this will probably trigger
a ppm bug but that's ppm's problem
5.701003 08 Oct 2007
- Patch to Cookbook from bits.
5.701002 25 Aug 2007
5.701001 17 Aug 2007
- Changes to mocation of lib/Catalyst/Manual.pod to
lib/Catalyst/ to keep cpan indexer happy.
5.700704 08 Aug 2007
- Updated mailing list addresses to domains
- Cookbook: Updated development server deployment instructions, and
included a better description of the POE engine.
5.700702 26 April 2007
- Switch to Module::Install
5.700701 19 April 2007
- Removal of WritingPlugins. ExtendingCatalyst is now the main resource
for extensions to the framework and the application.
5.700501 10 November 2006
- Matches Catalyst-Runtime 5.7005
5.700401 07 November 2006
- First release to CPAN; matches Catalyst-Runtime 5.7004.
5.700301 20 October 2006
- Splitting manual into its own distro