Changes for Plack::App::FakeApache

0.05 - Allow Plack::App::FakeApache to use a subclass of
     - Introduce parts of CGI::Emulate::PSGI to deal with ENV and
       STDIN problems.

0.04 - Fix README in release and add files missing from 0.03 CPAN Dist 
       (forgot ./Build manifest)

0.03 - Thu Jun 20 15:04:21 CEST 2013
  * Multiple enhancements from Lasse Makholm
    - Support for Authen and Authz handlers
    - Stacked handlers
    - Server object
    - New methods: auth_type, auth_name, is_initial_req, construct_uri
    - Improved methods: args, uri
    - ... and multiple typos and other minor fixes
  * Multiple enhacements from Mark Fowler
    - Connection object
    - Tie STDOUT so prints in response handler are passed to client
    - New methods: filename, document_root, args
0.02 - Mon Aug 15 11:38:33 CEST 2011
        * Rename module to a saner name
	* Support for err_headers_out() and set_content_length
0.01 - Tue Nov 30 17:02:06 CET 2010
        * Initial release