version 0.001; 2006-05-18

  * new functions utc_day_to_cjdn() and utc_cjdn_to_day() for
    interconversion with CJDNs for interoperability with calendar code

  * download new data if time appears to go backwards

  * download new data by HTTP instead of FTP, for performance and to
    get through NAT and firewalls better

  * use integer arithmetic

  * updated built-in data to 2007-01-01

  * bugfix: foreach_utc_segment_when_complete() wasn't exported

  * tests for utc_check_instant() and the "when_complete" mechanism

  * small correction to description of TAI in man page

  * add Date::ISO8601 to "see also" list

  * synch description in man page with README

version 0.000; 2005-01-25

  * initial released version