
* LA::Itconll

* Fixed bug in get_ufeatures(): Foreign=Foreign (was mistakenly Foreign=Yes).
* Removed the FeatureStructure::is_valid() method. It is not needed since 2.019
  when we disallowed setting unknown features or values.

2.041     2015-02-27 16:07:10+01:00 Europe/Prague

* ZH::Conll

2.040     2015-02-26 13:44:07+01:00 Europe/Prague

* TR::Conll

2.039     2015-02-24 15:54:15+01:00 Europe/Prague

* TA::Tamiltb
* TE::Conll
* UR::Conll

2.038     2015-02-23 08:06:54+01:00 Europe/Prague

* RO::Rdt
* RU::Syntagrus
* SK::Snk
* SL::Conll

2.037     2015-02-20 17:39:15+01:00 Europe/Prague

* PT::Conll

2.036     2015-02-13 12:42:55+01:00 Europe/Prague

* PL::Ipipan

2.035     2015-02-11 12:23:30+01:00 Europe/Prague

* NO::Conll
* NL::Cgn: added the old tag for adverbs, BW() (besides the new tag, BIJW()).

2.034     2015-02-10 22:27:41+01:00 Europe/Prague

* FeatureStructure has new methods is_interrogative() and is_relative().

* New value 'dim' of the feature 'degree': diminutive. Applicable to multiple languages, systematically needed in Dutch.
* New feature 'position' for the position (usage) of Dutch adjectives.

* Fixed NL::Cgn. Extended list of tags; encoding now includes features.

2.033     2015-02-08 00:02:03+01:00 Europe/Prague

* New class Lingua::Interset::Converter implements conversion between two physical tagsets including caching.

* NL::Conll
* NL::Cgn

2.032     2015-01-26 23:27:27+01:00 Europe/Prague

* Fixed alphabetical ordering in FeatureStructure->get_ufeatures().

* Fixed MUL::Uposf. Decoding was incorrect for features that are named differently in UD and in Interset.
* SV::Mamba
* SV::Conll
* SV::Parole
* SV::Suc

2.031     2015-01-24 12:35:52+01:00 Europe/Prague

* FeatureStructure has new method add_ufeatures() that performs the dual operation to get_ufeatures().

* New value 'gdv' of the feature 'verbform': Latin gerundive (as opposed to the gerund, verbform=ger).

* LA::Conll

2.030     2015-01-21 14:45:58+01:00 Europe/Prague

* New value 'light' of the feature 'verbtype': light/support verb in Japanese ("suru") and other languages.

* JA::Conll

2.029     2015-01-07 11:05:40+01:00 Europe/Prague

* Fixed several bugs in classification of numerals in Tagset::CS::Pdt.

2.028     2014-12-20 13:21:11+01:00 Europe/Prague

* IT::Conll

2.027     2014-12-10 22:34:10+01:00 Europe/Prague

* HU::Conll

* FeatureStructure has new methods is_active() and is_passive().

2.026     2014-12-05 18:56:03+01:00 Europe/Prague

* HI::Conll
* DE::Smor

* FeatureStructure has new method set_other_subfeature().

2.025     2014-11-24 17:43:29+01:00 Europe/Prague

* New value 'int' of the feature 'voice': intensive voice/aspect (the PIEL binyan) in Hebrew.

* HE::Conll

2.024     2014-11-21 17:24:35+01:00 Europe/Prague

* New value 'opt' of the feature 'mood': optative mood in Ancient Greek and Turkish, to express wishes:
  "May you have a long life!" "If only I were rich!"
* New value 'des' of the feature 'mood': desiderative mood in Turkish: "He wants to come."
* New value 'nec' of the feature 'mood': necessitative mood in Turkish: "He must come. He should come."
* New value 'mid' of the feature 'voice': middle voice in Ancient Greek. (The mediopassive voice can be expressed as 'mid|pass'.)
* New value 'rcp' of the feature 'voice': reciprocal (Turkish "karıştı", "tutuştular")
* New value 'cau' of the feature 'voice': causative (Turkish "karıştırıyor" ("is confusing"))

* GRC::Conll

2.023     2014-11-21 10:44:50+01:00 Europe/Prague

* FI::Turku

2.022     2014-11-18 22:56:53+01:00 Europe/Prague

* New value 'exc' of the feature 'prontype': exclamative determiner or pronoun (e.g. "WHAT a surprise!")

* FA::Conll

2.021     2014-11-17 01:04:13+01:00 Europe/Prague

* New features for the multi-argument agreement of Basque synthetic verbs:
  * absperson, absnumber, abspoliteness
  * ergperson, ergnumber, ergpoliteness, erggender
  * datperson, datnumber, datpoliteness, datgender

* ET::Puudepank
* EU::Conll

* FeatureStructure has new methods is_masculine(), is_feminine(), is_neuter(), is_common_gender(),
  is_negative(), is_affirmative(), is_auxiliary(), is_modal(), is_gerund(), is_conditional(),
  is_cardinal(), is_ordinal(), is_personal_pronoun().
* New method Atom::merge_atoms() helps create a big atom to decode unnamed features.

2.020     2014-10-31 17:34:17+01:00 Europe/Prague

* Two new values of the feature 'foreign':
  * 'fscript' = foreign word in foreign script
  * 'tscript' = foreign word transcribed from a foreign script

* EL::Conll

2.019     2014-10-30 22:30:13+01:00 Europe/Prague

* FeatureStructure::set($feature, $value) now dies if either the feature or the value is unknown.
* Default setters (e.g. set_gender()) now call set($feature, $value), so they can take multivalues
  in all forms and referenced arrays (if any) are deeply copied, not shared.
* Default getters (e.g. gender()) now always return scalars. Multivalues are joined by vertical bars.
  This is the same behavior as with the get_joined($feature) method.
* Exception: The 'other' feature can still contain anything (usually a hash reference)
  and its getter ($fs->other()) will return exactly that anything, not necessarily a scalar.

2.018     2014-10-17 14:51:14+02:00 Europe/Prague

* PT::Cintil

* FeatureStructure has new methods is_comparative() and is_superlative().

2.017     2014-10-13 16:07:59+02:00 Europe/Prague

* Value 'art' (article) moved from feature 'adjtype' to 'prontype'. Adjtype becomes deprecated.
* Value 'det' (determiner) of 'adjtype' removed. Determiners are now recognized by pos=adj + non-empty value of 'prontype'.

* FeatureStructure has new method is_article().

2.016     2014-10-11 21:46:09+02:00 Europe/Prague

* Feature 'number', value 'plu' (plural) changed to 'plur' to reflect the Universal Dependencies / Features.

2.015     2014-10-10 18:23:36+02:00 Europe/Prague

* DE::Stts
* DE::Conll
* DE::Conll2009
* MUL::Uposf

* Fixed a bug in Atom::list(). Previously, tags were taken from encode but not from decode map.
* FeatureStructure has new method get_ufeatures() for the universal features.

2.014     2014-10-06 22:10:01+02:00 Europe/Prague

* MUL::Upos

* FeatureStructure has new methods set_upos() and get_upos() for the universal POS tags.

2.013     2014-10-04 22:40:48+02:00 Europe/Prague

* DA::Conll

2.012     2014-09-29 17:43:18+02:00 Europe/Prague

* Lingua::Interset::find_drivers() no longer fails if a subfolder of an %INC path is not readable.

2.011     2014-09-23 22:40:14+02:00 Europe/Prague

* CA::Conll2009
* ES::Conll2009

2.010     2014-08-15 20:14:29+02:00 Europe/Prague

* New importable functions in the main package: find_tagsets() and hash_drivers().

* BN::Conll
* MUL::Google

2.009     2014-08-11 17:20:03+02:00 Europe/Prague

* New feature 'morphpos' (it existed in Interset 1 for sk::snk but it did not make it to Interset 2 so far).

* JA::Ipadic

2.008     2014-08-01 11:14:23+02:00 Europe/Prague

* BG::Conll

2.007     2014-07-25 14:01:06+02:00 Europe/Prague

* AR::Padt
* AR::Conll
* AR::Conll2007

2.006     2014-07-18 15:50:40+02:00 Europe/Prague

* New methods for the 'other' feature: get_other_subfeature() and is_other().
* Fixed treatment of the 'other' feature in atoms.

* CS::Pmk
* CS::Pmkkr
* HR::Multext

2.005     2014-07-11 17:10:37+02:00 Europe/Prague

* FeatureStructure method merge_hash() renamed to merge_hash_hard() and added new method merge_hash_soft().
* Similarly, Atom method decode_and_merge() split to decode_and_merge_hard() and decode_and_merge_soft().

* New value of feature 'advtype': 'sta' (adverb of state, e.g. Czech "horko", "zima", "volno", "nanic").

* CS::Ajka
* CS::Cnk

2.004     2014-07-04 16:29:33+02:00 Europe/Prague

* New attribute encode_default of class SimpleAtom.

* Three new values of feature 'style': 'rare' (rare), 'poet' (poetic), and 'expr' (expressive, emotional).

* CS::Multext

2.003     2014-06-27 23:23:33+02:00 Europe/Prague

* New classes Atom and SimpleAtom are special cases of Tagset driver, designed as sub-drivers for individual surface features.

* FeatureStructure::multiset() renamed to add().
* Added various new is_...() methods in FeatureStructure.
* is_noun() and similar methods should now work also with arrays of values.
* The generic set() method of FeatureStructure will no longer allow multiple occurrences of the same value if multiple values are set.
* New method FeatureStructure::matches() (for those familar with Treex: this is the $node->match_iset() method).

Feature changes:
* New numtype 'sets' for number of sets of things (Czech "čtvery boty" = "four pairs of shoes").
* New conjtype 'oper' for mathematical operators (Czech "krát" = "times").
* New feature 'nametype' for classification of named entities, used in the Czech CoNLL tagsets.

* EN::Penn – the -ing verb forms (VBG) now set the progressive aspect, instead of imperfect.
* CS::Pdt
* CS::Conll
* CS::Conll2009

2.002     2014-06-20 17:49:14+02:00 Europe/Prague

Architecture change:
* Tagset drivers moved one level down so that we can clearly distinguish them from other modules.
  Lingua::Interset::EN::Penn became Lingua::Interset::Tagset::EN::Penn.

Feature changes:
* pos value 'prep' (preposition) renamed to 'adp' (adposition).
* the remaining values of the subpos feature dissolved into advtype and two
  new features, adpostype and parttype.

* EN::Penn – fixed bug in decoding of VBP.
* EN::Conll
* EN::Conll2009
  (Both are trivially derived from EN::Penn.)

* Various tools for driver testing
* Empty implementations of decode(), encode() and list() in the Tagset class will now throw an exception if called.
* Slightly changed semantics of the set...() and get...() methods in the FeatureStructure class.

Improved documentation of the modules.

2.001     2014-06-13 17:56:05+02:00 Europe/Prague

Complete rewrite of Interset. The old Perl interface was not object-oriented.
The modules resided under the “tagset” namespace (yes, all lowercase). The new
modules are object-oriented (using Moose) and the new namespace is Lingua::
Interset. And it is available at the CPAN.

There are the following modules:
* Lingua::Interset
* Lingua::Interset::FeatureStructure
* Lingua::Interset::Tagset
* Lingua::Interset::OldTagsetDriver
* Lingua::Interset::Trie

* Initially, only the 'en::penn' driver has been ported to Interset 2 (see the
  module Lingua::Interset::EN::Penn). The other drivers will be ported
  gradually. In the meantime, the old implementations (tagset::*) can be
  accessed through a wrapper class, Lingua::Interset::OldTagsetDriver.
  (The wrapper is shipped together with Interset 2 but the old drivers are not.
  They are still downloadable from the Interset wiki.)

Feature changes:
* Several new features were split from the subpos feature: nountype, adjtype,
  verbtype and conjtype. This is a logical extension of the previously created
  prontype, advtype etc.
* The features tense and subtense have been merged. Their separation in the
  early years of Interset was driven by problems with encoding tagsets that
  lacked specialized tenses; later on however, Interset got the algorithms for
  strict encoding and feature replacement. Now there are other features whose
  values form a hierarchy, so it seems logical to treat tenses the same way.

Interset 2 (above) is distributed through the CPAN as Lingua::Interset and its
versions are tracked rigorously. Versions < 2 vere numbered less rigorously and
there were fewer official releases. (Though internally, I was using Subversion
since fall 2007 to spring 2014, and there are SVN revision numbers.)

As many other projects, Interset has gone through its “Dark Age” when it was
not yet clear whether it would eventually be published. There was no
distinction between versions and releases, and versions were not numbered
anyway. However, there were some milestones, which are described below and
which I have numbered for convenience.


27 June 2011. New drivers: Prague Spoken Corpus (Pražský mluvený korpus, PMK)
long and short tags (cs::pmkdl and cs::pmkkr). Arabic CoNLL 2007 slightly
differs from CoNLL 2006, so there is now ar::conll2007.

New test: For all tags in all drivers now must hold that deleting the value of
the other feature does not lead to an unknown tag. This should greatly improve
chances of finding permitted feature combinations when converting from one
tagset to another.

New usage: Interset in Treex (TectoMT).


8 September 2009. Three new incarnations of Czech, English and German CoNLL
tagsets, reflecting the 2009 changes in format. Most interestingly, German
tags now contain morphosyntactic features. Thanks to Saša Rosen, who tries to
use DZ Interset together with a multi-language parallel corpus called
Intercorp, we also created a driver for the IPI PAN Polish corpus, which in
turn caused one systemic change: o-tags (those setting the other feature) can
now be ignored when the driver is scanning the possible feature-value
combinations. And there is a new web interface to DZ Interset.


February 2009. Petr Pořízka and Markus Schäfer used DZ Interset in MorphCon, a
GUI tool for conversion of Czech morphological tags. They wrote a driver for
the Czech ajka tagset (a morphological analyzer from Masaryk University, Brno).
MorphCon has been presented at a bohemistic conference in Brno (see
References). Dan added a driver for the Czech tags of the Multext East
multilingual corpus.

Various maintenance changes took place, too. Version control has been migrated
to network-accessible (though not publicly accessible) SVN repository, together
with Trac project management interface. Website now includes information on
licensing, references and this version history. From now on, I intend to
distinguish revisions from numbered releases.


May 2008. DZ Interset was first presented at the Language Resoruces and
Evaluation Conference (LREC) in Marrakech, Morocco (see References). At that
time, new drivers for the German Stuttgart-Tübingen Tagset and the Portuguese
Floresta/CoNLL tagset (extremly noisy, huh!) were present.

At the time around LREC, a major change in the feature pool started to
crystallize. The diametrically different approaches to tagging of pronouns and
determiners led me to remove these categories from the top-level part-of-speech
set and transform them to special cases of nouns and adjectives. Such approach
had already been taken a year before for Bulgarian but now I wanted to unify it
across languages. In the end of 2008, all drivers already reflected the changed
policy. The state of pronouns may further change in future, as this is a rather
controversial issue. On the other hand, a similar change may be needed for
numerals, too.


Spring 2007. I struggled to convert tagsets of several CoNLL shared task
treebanks in order to improve the accuracy of a parser that relied on
understanding the information in the tags. It became apparent how big the
differences between various tagging approaches are. Also, some corpora
contained tags that were noisy or not very well defined. Arabic, Bulgarian,
Chinese, Czech and English CoNLL tagsets were added (Czech and English are just
reformatted PDT and Penn tags, respectively).


Summer 2006. My first unified approach to conversions among the Prague
Dependency Treebank tagset, Penn TreeBank tagset, Swedish Mamba tagset (CoNLL
2006 treebank), Danish Parole tagset (CoNLL 2006 treebank), and the tagset of
the Swedish adaptation of Jan Hajič's tagger. Tag conversions were crucial part
of my experiments with cross-language parser adaptation (see References). My
thanks go to Philip Resnik for the early comments during our discussions at the
University of Maryland.