Revision history for AnyEvent-SOCKS-Client

* SOCKS4 support

0.01    08.03.2018
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.02    10.08.2021
	Bugs 131658 and 129330 fixed.

0.03	28.08.2021

	Bug 139048:
	Destructor is properly called now. Removed unnecessary undefs. Likely fixed.

	Bug 139050:
	Added sq. brackets trimming to _parse_uri, likely fixed.

	Feature request 139049:
	Added timeout for initial connection to proxy server.
	Timeout is only used when no prepare_cb passed to proxied function, so you can fine-tune initial connection.

	TYPE_IP4 and TYPE_IP6 in connect_cmd because IP6 doesn't work as FQDN.
	It's only used when host is already valid IP4 or IP6 address (no local DNS resolution).