package Biblio::Zotero::DB::Schema::Result::StoredItemAttachment; { $Biblio::Zotero::DB::Schema::Result::StoredItemAttachment::VERSION = '0.001'; } # TODO: document use strict; use warnings; use base qw/Biblio::Zotero::DB::Schema::Result::ItemAttachment/; __PACKAGE__->table_class('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View'); __PACKAGE__->table('storedItemAttachments'); __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->is_virtual(1); # NOTE: SQL __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->view_definition( q[ SELECT * FROM itemAttachments me WHERE ( itemid NOT IN ( SELECT me.itemid FROM deletedItems me ) AND ( sourceitemid IS NULL OR sourceitemid NOT IN ( SELECT me.itemid FROM deletedItems me ) ) ) ] ); # the above view_definition is the same as: # ---------------------------------------- # my $deleted = $schema->resultset('DeletedItem') # ->get_column('itemid') # ->as_query; # $schema # ->resultset('ItemAttachment') # ->search( # { -and => [ { itemid => { -not_in => $deleted } }, # { -or => [ { sourceitemid => undef }, # { sourceitemid => { -not_in => $deleted } }] } # ] } # )->as_query # #### # the clause checking the sourceitemid is for when only the source item is # marked as deleted, but the attachment is not 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Biblio::Zotero::DB::Schema::Result::StoredItemAttachment =head1 VERSION version 0.001 =head1 AUTHOR Zakariyya Mughal <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Zakariyya Mughal. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut