Release history for Zonemaster component Zonemaster-CLI
v1.1.3 2018-06-25
- Move license from Makefile.PL to main module (#67)
- Initialize gettext according to gettext documentation (#71), which
solves issues with translations in Linux (#46) and FreeBSD (#64)
- Updated the install instructions for debian and centos (#75)
- Update for FreeBSD (uses cpan instead of cpanm) (#78)
v1.1.2 2018-01-12
Natural Language support:
- Adding support for Danish translation. (#62)
- Fixes issues with pre-delegation testing ("fake delegation") (#63)
v1.1.1 2017-11-02 Public release
- Update licensing (#58)
- Specify smallest version of Locale::TextDomain i Makefile.PL. (#57)
- Updated installation instruction (#53)
- Changed dependency from Net::LDNS to Zonemaster::LDNS due to
name space change (#51)
- Various updates to packaging (#52)
- Fix Commonmark rendering on Github. Replace NBSP with SPACE. (#49)
- Changed dependency from Zonemaster to Zonemaster::Engine due
to name space change (#43)
v1.1.0 2017-04-04 Public pre-release
- This release will not be published on CPAN since it contains updates that have
not been fully tested. Do not update production systems without verification.
- Update install instructions (#34)
- Fixes packaging issue with version numbering (#35)
- Solved --sourceaddr is not correctly implemented (#36)
- Updates so that "fake delegation" is tested correctly (#42)
1.0.5 2016-10-14
- Correcting version in Update missing in 1.0.4.
1.0.4 2016-10-14
- Updating and
- Better way to check ExtUtils::MakeMaker version
- Introduced MANIFEST.SKIP
1.0.3 2015-12-22
- Added JSON streaming
- Changed all instances from .SE to IIS
1.0.2 2015-06-25
- Allow lookup of nameservers for undelegated tests
- Net::LDNS::to_idn() takes Perl characters, not octets with utf-8 data
- Fixed display bug when using --nstimes with --no-ipv6 or --no-ipv4
1.0.1 2015-04-07
- State clearly that a given name is not a domain when it is not a domain
- Send "Net::LDNS not compiled with libidn" to STDERR, not STDOUT
1.0.0 2014-12-11 Release version
1.000000 2014-12-11 Public beta release.
0.001002 2014-11-26
0.001001 2014-11-19
0.001000 2014-11-17
0.03 2014-10-30
0.01 2014-05-25
- initial CPAN release