Revision history for App-ZofCMS-Plugin-Base
0.0107 January 1, 2011
Edited provided plugin documentation.
Added _has_value and _dbh utility subs.
0.0106 December 16, 2010
Fixed a bug where using a subref for main plugin config was done AFTER config processing (so subs were rather useless)
0.0105 August 1, 2009
Had to reupload due to PAUSE breaking on me
0.0104 July 31, 2009
Added more docs
0.0103 March 6, 2008
Added an option to execute a sub on plugin config instead of only accepting a hashref
0.0102 November 3, 2008
Re-upload due to indexing issues; no code changes
0.0101 November 2, 2008
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.