package CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s; use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '0.001'; use base qw(Class::Data::Accessor CPAN::LinksToDocs); use Carp; use URI; use LWP::UserAgent; __PACKAGE__->mk_classaccessors qw( response message_404 ua ); sub new { my $class = shift; croak "Must have even number of arguments to new()" if @_ & 1; my $self = bless {}, $class; my %args = @_; $args{ +lc } = delete $args{ $_ } for keys %args; my %tags = $self->_make_tags(); $tags{$_} = $args{tags}{$_} for keys %{ $args{tags} || {} }; $args{timeout} ||= 30; $args{ua} ||= LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => $args{timeout}, agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:' .' Gecko/20080207 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/', ); $args{message_404} = 'Not found' unless exists $args{message_404}; $self->$_( $args{$_} ) for qw(ua message_404); $self->tags( \%tags ); return $self; } sub _make_not_found_link { my ( $self, $what ) = @_; my $uri = URI->new("$what"); my $response = $self->response( $self->ua->get( $uri ) ); if ( $response->is_success ) { return "$uri"; } elsif ( $response->code == 404 ) { return $self->message_404; } else { return 'Network error: ' . $response->status_line; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s - get links to documentation by giving short "tags" and make sure all of them point to existant documentation =head1 SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use CPAN::LinksToDocs; my $linker = CPAN::LinksToDocs->new; for ( @{ $linker->link_for('map,grep,RE,OOP') } ) { print "$_\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION The module provides means to get links to documentation on L<> by giving it "tags". There are a few tags which group several links together (e.g. C<RE>, C<REF> or C<OOP> tags). The base code of this module is what is used under the hood of L<> website. Thanks to Juerd Waalboer you can now use it too :) The module is similiar to L<CPAN::LinksToDocs> module, except this one will check if responses to non-predefined tags lead to existant documentation. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 new my $linker = CPAN::LinksToDocs->new; my $linker2 = CPAN::LinksToDocs->new( tags => { some => 'http://there.somewhere', map => '', BOTH => 'some,map', # will return 'some' and 'map' together }, message_404 => 'NO DOCS!', timeout => 20, # or ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 20, agent => 'foos!' ), ); Returns a freshly baked C<CPAN::LinksToDocs> object. Takes several I<optional> arguments which are as follows; =head3 tags ->new( tags => { some => 'http://there.somewhere', map => '', BOTH => 'some,map', # will return 'some' and 'map' together }, ); B<Optional>. The C<tags> argument takes a hashref as a value. The keys of this hashref will be "tags" which you can use in the C<link_for> method. The values is what you'll get in return arrayref. B<Note:> if the value contains a comma it will be split on and the elements of that split will be considered as tags, thus you can use predefined tags to group several links together. B<Defaults to:> nothing, only predefined tags mentioned in C<TAGS> section. =head3 message_404 ->new( message_404 => 'NO DOCS!' ); B<Optional>. If the "tag" was not found in predefined tags (see C<link_for> method and C<TAGS> section) the "link" for the tag will contain whatever you specify as C<message_404> argument to the constructor. B<Defaults to:> C<Not found> =head3 timeout ->new( timeout => 10 ); B<Optional>. Specifies the C<timeout> argument of L<LWP::UserAgent>'s constructor, which is used for checking 404s. B<Defaults to:> C<30> seconds. =head3 ua ->new( ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Foos!' ) ); B<Optional>. If the C<timeout> argument is not enough for your needs of mutilating the L<LWP::UserAgent> object used for checking, feel free to specify the C<ua> argument which takes an L<LWP::UserAgent> object as a value. B<Note:> the C<timeout> argument to the constructor will not do anything if you specify the C<ua> argument as well. B<Defaults to:> plain boring default L<LWP::UserAgent> object with C<timeout> argument set to whatever C<CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s>' C<timeout> argument is set to as well as C<agent> argument is set to mimic Firefox. =head1 METHODS =head2 link_for my $links_ref = $linker->link_for('map,grep,some,BOTH'); Returns a (possibly empty) arrayref of links to documentation. Takes one mandatory scalar argument which is one or more "tags" separated by commas. See L<TAGS> section below for possible tags. If the tag was not found in predefined tags the returning link will be C<> this way you can link to custom made modules available on CPAN. B<However,> the module will connect to L<> and make sure that module exists. If the module doesn't exist the "link" for this tag will be your C<message_404> (see constructor). If a network error occured while checking the "link" will match C<qr/^Network error:/> and will contain the description of the error. =head2 tags my $tags_ref = $linker->tags; $tags_ref->{foos} = 'http://bars/'; $linker->tags( $tags_ref ); Returns a hashref of currently set tags. Takes one optional argument which must be a hashref of tags. The format is the same as the C<tags> argument to the constructor. =head2 response my $last_response_obj = $linker->response; Takes no arguments, returns the L<HTTP::Response> object which was obtained while checking a non-predefined "tag". =head2 message_404 my $old_message = $linker->message_404; $linker->message_404('YOU GOT 404!'); Returns a currently set C<message_404> message (see constructor's C<message_404> argument's description). Takes one optional argument. If you call it with an argument, the argument you provide will be a new C<message_404> message. =head2 ua my $old_LWP_UA_obj = $linker->ua; $linker->ua( LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10, agent => 'foos' ); Returns a currently used L<LWP::UserAgent> object used for checking 404s. Takes one optional argument which must be an L<LWP::UserAgent> object, and the object you specify will be used in any subsequent checks of non-predefined "tags". =head1 AUTHOR =head1 TAGS The module has a LOT of predefined tags... and I am shamelessly going to semi-quote Juerd's site: You can B<leave out> the redundant C<perl> part. Except for C<perltie>, because C<tie> is also a function. The following groups and special "tags" are known: C<FAQ>, C<MOD>, C<OO>, C<OOP>, C<RE>, C<REF>, C<UNI>, C<bp>, C<cws>, C<include>, C<kp>, C<perlpodtut>, C<perltut>, C<podtut>, C<sfb>, C<tut>, C<tutorial>. C<S\d\d>, C<A\d\d> and C<E\d\d> for Perl 6 language design documents. Below are the known tags for CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s module: my @perldoc = qw( perl perl5004delta perl5005delta perl5100delta perl561delta perl56delta perl570delta perl571delta perl572delta perl573delta perl581delta perl582delta perl583delta perl584delta perl585delta perl586delta perl587delta perl588delta perl58delta perl590delta perl591delta perl592delta perl593delta perl594delta perl595delta perlXStut perlamiga perlapi perlapio perlartistic perlbook perlboot perlbot perlbug perlcall perlce perlcheat perlclib perlcn perlcommunity perlcompile perldata perldbmfilter perldebguts perldebtut perldebug perldelta perldgux perldiag perldoc perldos perldsc perlebcdic perlembed perlfaq perlfaq1 perlfaq2 perlfaq3 perlfaq4 perlfaq5 perlfaq6 perlfaq7 perlfaq8 perlfaq9 perlfilter perlfork perlform perlfunc perlglob.bat perlglossary perlgpl perlguts perlhack perlhist perlintern perlintro perliol perlipc perlivp perljp perlko perllexwarn perllocale perllol perlmod perlmodinstall perlmodlib perlmodstyle perlnetware perlnewmod perlnumber perlobj perlop perlopentut perlos2 perlothrtut perlpacktut perlplan9 perlpod perlpodspec perlport perlpragma perlre perlreapi perlrebackslash perlrecharclass perlref perlreftut perlreguts perlrequick perlreref perlretut perlrun perlsec perlstyle perlsub perlsyn perlthrtut perltie perltoc perltodo perltooc perltoot perltrap perltw perlunicode perlunifaq perluniintro perlunitut perlutil perluts perlvar perlvms perlwin32 perlxs ); my @perlfunc = qw( abs accept alarm atan2 bind binmode bless break caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect continue cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die do dump each endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent endservent eof eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno flags flock fork format formline getc getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getpeername getpgrp getppid getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwent getpwnam getpwuid getservbyname getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt glob gmtime goto grep hex import index int ioctl join keys kill last lc lcfirst length link listen local localtime lock log lstat m map mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd my next no oct open opendir ord order our pack package pipe pop pos precision print printf prototype push qq qr q qw qx quotemeta rand read readdir readline readlink readpipe recv redo ref rename require reset return reverse rewinddir rindex rmdir s say scalar seek seekdir select semctl semget semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent setpgrp setpriority setprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown sin size sleep socket socketpair sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat state study sub substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread sysseek system syswrite tell telldir tie tied time times tr truncate uc ucfirst umask undef unlink unpack unshift untie use utime values vec vector wait waitpid wantarray warn write -X y ); my @stdmods = qw( AnyDBM_File Archive::Extract Archive::Tar Archive::Tar::File Attribute::Handlers attributes attrs AutoLoader AutoSplit autouse B base B::Concise B::Debug B::Deparse Benchmark bigint bignum bigrat blib B::Lint B::Showlex B::Terse B::Xref bytes Carp Carp::Heavy CGI CGI::Apache CGI::Carp CGI::Cookie CGI::Fast CGI::Pretty CGI::Push CGI::Switch CGI::Util charnames Class::ISA Class::Struct Compress::Raw::Zlib Compress::Zlib Config constant CORE CPAN CPAN::API::HOWTO CPAN::FirstTime CPAN::Kwalify CPAN::Nox CPANPLUS CPANPLUS::Dist::Base CPANPLUS::Dist::Sample CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic CPANPLUS::Shell::Default::Plugins::HOWTO CPAN::Version Cwd Data::Dumper DB DB_File DBM_Filter DBM_Filter::compress DBM_Filter::encode DBM_Filter::int32 DBM_Filter::null DBM_Filter::utf8 Devel::DProf Devel::InnerPackage Devel::Peek Devel::SelfStubber diagnostics Digest Digest::base Digest::file Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA DirHandle Dumpvalue DynaLoader Encode Encode::Alias Encode::Byte Encode::CJKConstants Encode::CN Encode::CN::HZ Encode::Config Encode::EBCDIC Encode::Encoder Encode::Encoding Encode::GSM0338 Encode::Guess Encode::JP Encode::JP::H2Z Encode::JP::JIS7 Encode::KR Encode::KR::2022_KR Encode::MIME::Header Encode::MIME::Name Encode::PerlIO Encode::Supported Encode::Symbol Encode::TW Encode::Unicode Encode::Unicode::UTF7 encoding encoding::warnings English Env Errno Exporter Exporter::Heavy ExtUtils::CBuilder ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows ExtUtils::Command ExtUtils::Command::MM ExtUtils::Constant ExtUtils::Constant::Base ExtUtils::Constant::Utils ExtUtils::Constant::XS ExtUtils::Embed ExtUtils::Install ExtUtils::Installed ExtUtils::Liblist ExtUtils::MakeMaker ExtUtils::MakeMaker::bytes ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config ExtUtils::MakeMaker::FAQ ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Tutorial ExtUtils::MakeMaker::vmsish ExtUtils::Manifest ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap ExtUtils::Mksymlists ExtUtils::MM ExtUtils::MM_AIX ExtUtils::MM_Any ExtUtils::MM_BeOS ExtUtils::MM_Cygwin ExtUtils::MM_DOS ExtUtils::MM_MacOS ExtUtils::MM_NW5 ExtUtils::MM_OS2 ExtUtils::MM_QNX ExtUtils::MM_Unix ExtUtils::MM_UWIN ExtUtils::MM_VMS ExtUtils::MM_VOS ExtUtils::MM_Win32 ExtUtils::MM_Win95 ExtUtils::MY ExtUtils::Packlist ExtUtils::ParseXS ExtUtils::testlib Fatal Fcntl feature fields File::Basename FileCache File::CheckTree File::Compare File::Copy File::DosGlob File::Fetch File::Find File::Glob File::GlobMapper FileHandle File::Path File::Spec File::Spec::Cygwin File::Spec::Epoc File::Spec::Functions File::Spec::Mac File::Spec::OS2 File::Spec::Unix File::Spec::VMS File::Spec::Win32 File::stat File::Temp filetest Filter::Simple Filter::Util::Call FindBin GDBM_File Getopt::Long Getopt::Std Hash::Util Hash::Util::FieldHash I18N::Collate I18N::Langinfo I18N::LangTags I18N::LangTags::Detect I18N::LangTags::List if integer IO IO::Compress::Base IO::Compress::Deflate IO::Compress::Gzip IO::Compress::RawDeflate IO::Compress::Zip IO::Dir IO::File IO::Handle IO::Pipe IO::Poll IO::Seekable IO::Select IO::Socket IO::Socket::INET IO::Socket::UNIX IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress IO::Uncompress::Base IO::Uncompress::Gunzip IO::Uncompress::Inflate IO::Uncompress::RawInflate IO::Uncompress::Unzip IO::Zlib IPC::Cmd IPC::Open2 IPC::Open3 IPC::SysV IPC::SysV::Msg IPC::SysV::Semaphore less lib List::Util locale Locale::Constants Locale::Country Locale::Currency Locale::Language Locale::Maketext Locale::Maketext::Simple Locale::Maketext::TPJ13 Locale::Script Log::Message Log::Message::Config Log::Message::Handlers Log::Message::Item Math::BigFloat Math::BigInt Math::BigInt::Calc Math::BigInt::CalcEmu Math::BigInt::FastCalc Math::BigRat Math::Complex Math::Trig Memoize Memoize::AnyDBM_File Memoize::Expire Memoize::ExpireFile Memoize::ExpireTest Memoize::NDBM_File Memoize::SDBM_File Memoize::Storable MIME::Base64 MIME::QuotedPrint Module::Build Module::Build::API Module::Build::Authoring Module::Build::Base Module::Build::Compat Module::Build::ConfigData Module::Build::Cookbook Module::Build::ModuleInfo Module::Build::Notes Module::Build::Platform::aix Module::Build::Platform::Amiga Module::Build::Platform::cygwin Module::Build::Platform::darwin Module::Build::Platform::Default Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC Module::Build::Platform::MacOS Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX Module::Build::Platform::os2 Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS Module::Build::Platform::Unix Module::Build::Platform::VMS Module::Build::Platform::VOS Module::Build::Platform::Windows Module::Build::PPMMaker Module::Build::YAML Module::CoreList Module::Load Module::Load::Conditional Module::Loaded Module::Pluggable Module::Pluggable::Object mro NDBM_File Net::Cmd Net::Config Net::Domain Net::FTP Net::hostent Net::libnetFAQ Net::netent Net::Netrc Net::NNTP Net::Ping Net::POP3 Net::protoent Net::servent Net::SMTP Net::Time NEXT O ODBM_File Opcode open ops overload Package::Constants Params::Check PerlIO PerlIO::encoding PerlIO::scalar PerlIO::via PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint Pod::Checker Pod::Escapes Pod::Find Pod::Functions Pod::Html Pod::InputObjects Pod::LaTeX Pod::Man Pod::ParseLink Pod::Parser Pod::ParseUtils Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker Pod::Perldoc::ToMan Pod::Perldoc::ToNroff Pod::Perldoc::ToPod Pod::Perldoc::ToRtf Pod::Perldoc::ToText Pod::Perldoc::ToTk Pod::Perldoc::ToXml Pod::Plainer Pod::PlainText Pod::Select Pod::Simple Pod::Simple::Checker Pod::Simple::Debug Pod::Simple::DumpAsText Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML Pod::Simple::HTML Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch Pod::Simple::LinkSection Pod::Simple::Methody Pod::Simple::PullParser Pod::Simple::PullParserEndToken Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken Pod::Simple::PullParserTextToken Pod::Simple::PullParserToken Pod::Simple::RTF Pod::Simple::Search Pod::Simple::SimpleTree Pod::Simple::Subclassing Pod::Simple::Text Pod::Simple::TextContent Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream Pod::Text Pod::Text::Color Pod::Text::Overstrike Pod::Text::Termcap Pod::Usage POSIX re Safe Scalar::Util SDBM_File Search::Dict SelectSaver SelfLoader Shell sigtrap Socket sort Storable strict subs Switch Symbol Sys::Hostname Sys::Syslog Sys::Syslog::win32::Win32 Term::ANSIColor Term::Cap Term::Complete Term::ReadLine Term::UI Test Test::Builder Test::Builder::Module Test::Builder::Tester Test::Builder::Tester::Color Test::Harness Test::Harness::Assert Test::Harness::Iterator Test::Harness::Point Test::Harness::Results Test::Harness::Straps Test::Harness::TAP Test::Harness::Util Test::More Test::Simple Test::Tutorial Text::Abbrev Text::Balanced Text::ParseWords Text::Soundex Text::Tabs Text::Wrap Thread Thread::Queue threads Thread::Semaphore threads::shared Tie::Array Tie::File Tie::Handle Tie::Hash Tie::Hash::NamedCapture Tie::Memoize Tie::RefHash Tie::Scalar Tie::SubstrHash Time::gmtime Time::HiRes Time::Local Time::localtime Time::Piece Time::Piece::Seconds Time::tm Unicode::Collate Unicode::Normalize Unicode::UCD UNIVERSAL User::grent User::pwent utf8 vars version vmsish warnings warnings::register Win32 Win32API::File Win32CORE XS::APItest XSLoader XS::Typemap ); my %tags = ( UNI => 'perlunitut,perlunifaq,Encode,perluniintro,perlunicode,utf8', RE => 'perlrequick,perlretut,perlre,perlreref', REF => 'perlreftut,perllol,perldsc,perlref', OO => 'perlboot,perltoot,perltooc,perlbot', OOP => 'perlboot,perltoot,perltooc,perlbot', FAQ => (join ',', "perlfaq1" .. "perlfaq9"), MOD => 'perlmod,perlmodlib,perlmodstyle,perlmodinstall,perlnewmod', kp => '', bp => '', cws => '', sfb => '', include => '', podtut => '', perlpodtut => '', perltut => '', tut => '', tutorial => '', ); =head1 SEE ALSO L<>, L<CPAN::LinksToDocs>, L<CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s::Remember>, L<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CPAN::LinksToDocs>, L<POE::Component::CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s> L<POE::Component::CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s::Remember>, L<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s>, L<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s::Remember> =head1 AUTHOR Thanks to Juerd Waalboer, the author of L<> for providing base code. Zoffix Znet, C<< <zoffix at> >> (L<>, L<>) =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-cpan-linkstodocs-no404s at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc CPAN::LinksToDocs::No404s You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut