Revision history for POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-BaseWrap
0.010 2013-11-11
- Minor fixes to comply with specs and Kwalitee game
0.009 2008-10-14
- Changed _send_event() to send_event()
- Added `response_types`
0.008 2008-10-14
- Minor changes to the "Documentation For Your Plugin" section
of documentation
0.007 2008-07-26
- fixed an issue with META.yml file. No code changes
0.006 2008-07-14
- added separate triggers functionality for "public,"
"notice," and "privmsg"
0.005 2008-04-08
- fixed documentation to mention that constructor
arguments can be changed dynamically.
0.004 2008-03-30
- Changed C<_message_into_response_event()> sub so it could add
more keys to the C<$in_ref> hashref.
- Fixed up the docs a bit
0.003 2008-03-30
- <Changes unknown>
0.002 2008-03-30
- Added C<_message_into_response_event()> sub
- Made it so returning a scalar from
C<_make_response_message()> would equate to returning
an arrayref with one element.
0.001 2008-03-10
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.