Revision history for WWW-DoctypeGrabber

0.006  2013-12-02
        - Minor fixes to comply with the specs and Kwalitee game
        - Added autogeneration of README from POD
        - Moved author tests to xt/
        - Switched to Class::Accessor::Grouped from
          deprecated Class::Data::Accessor

0.005   2010-03-12
	- Fixed a new bug in test suite due to updates in
	  the website it accesses

0.004   2009-01-18
        - Fixed a new bug in test suite due to updates in
          the website it accesses

0.003   2008-11-01
        - Added the Content-type in output

0.002   2008-03-15
        - added the C<raw()> argument/method

0.001   2008-03-15
        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.