Revision history for Dancer-Plugin-CRUD

1.031 2014-12-17
 - improve chain behaviour
 - enable Module::Signature
 - dont make signatures anymore
 - disable experimental warnings when using given/when
 - on perl < 5.18 there is no 'experimental' warnings category
 - remove experimental features like given
 - fix typo
 - tidy up code

1.030 2014-12-01
 - change version format

1.03 2014-08-28
 - added subname
 - use $resname
 - implement Validate::Tiny
 - added README for github
 - rename rules to validation
 - updated validation tests
 - ignore validation on index/create
 - added documention for automatic validation
 - register keyword 'inherit'
 - added action 'patch'
 - renamed inherit to wrap
 - added tests to MANIFEST
 - fixed behaviour when undef is returned
 - updated documentation, fixed typo
 - returns hash/list of created route-objects
 - bump to v1.02
 - fill curpath with splitted path of $route
 - add Travis CI configuration
 - add dependencies for Travis CI
 - Validate::Tiny is now required for this package
 - convert README to Markdown
 - add feature chained action
 - better support for alternative syntax
 - add test to manifest
 - ignore .travis.yml and in manifest
 - rewrite concept of chaining resources
 - inherit validation rules for wrap keyword
 - use regex to build routes
 - update documentation
 - new way of wrap validation
 - fix test hash in t/12
 - add documentation for chain feature
 - bump to version 1.03

1.01 2014-05-13
 - added isc license
 - added all tests to manifest
 - fixed version
 - changed license to perl
 - completed documentation
 - updated module dependencies
 - removed useless DEBUG constant
 - make suffix changable
 - fixed documentation
 - changed sample names to generic one
 - added missing file to manifest
 - added test for stacking
 - reordered documentation
 - added t/08-stacking.t to manifest
 - bump to v1.01