All Releases by John Douglas Porter
River gauge |
Release |
Uploaded |
Lingua-Ispell-0.07 | a module encapsulating access to the Ispell program. | Apr 18, 2000 | |
Text-Ispell-0.04 | a module encapsulating access to the Ispell program. | Oct 12, 1999 | |
Text-Macros-0.04 | an object-oriented text macro engine | Feb 01, 2000 | |
Tie-HashDefaults-0.01 | Let a hash have default values | Oct 21, 1999 | |
Tie-Multidim-0.04 | "tie"-like multidimensional data structures | Feb 01, 2000 | |
Tie-OffsetArray-0.01 | Tie one array to another, with index offset | Oct 21, 1999 |