All Releases by Jean-Louis Morel
River gauge |
Release |
Uploaded |
Math-decNumber-0.02 | Arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic using the decNumber library. | May 15, 2014 | |
OpenGL-FTGL-0.01 | interface to the FTGL library (to use arbitrary fonts in OpenGL applications). | Aug 06, 2012 | |
Win32-Console-ANSI-1.11 | Perl extension to emulate ANSI console on Win32 system. | Oct 24, 2017 | |
Win32-NetPacket-0.03 | OO-interface to the WinPcap Packet Driver API. | Feb 12, 2006 | |
Win32-StrictFileNames-0.01 | Enable case sensitive filenames checking. | May 10, 2006 |