All Releases by Jerome Quelin
River gauge |
Release |
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Acme-MetaSyntactic-buzzwords-1.00 | Pointy-haired boss lingo | Nov 26, 2007 | |
Acme-Tie-Eleet-1.0.2 | Perl extension to 5pE4k 1Ik3 4n 3l337! | Nov 26, 2007 | |
App-CPAN2Pkg-3.004 | generating native linux packages from cpan | Jun 12, 2014 | |
App-Magpie-2.010 | Mageia Perl Integration Easy | Nov 23, 2015 | |
Audio-MPD-2.004 | class to talk to MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers | May 20, 2016 | |
Audio-MPD-Common-2.003 | common helper classes for mpd | Nov 23, 2015 | |
CPANPLUS-Dist-Mageia-2.103 | A CPANPLUS backend to build Mageia RPMs | May 20, 2016 | |
Dist-Zilla-App-Command-pot-2.000 | update i18n messages.pot file with new strings | Nov 23, 2015 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-LocaleMsgfmt-1.203 | compiles .po files to .mo files with Local::Msgfmt | May 20, 2011 | |
Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-JQUELIN-3.005 | Build & release a distribution like jquelin | Nov 23, 2015 | |
File-HomeDir-PathClass-1.112060 | File::HomeDir returning Path::Class objects | Jul 25, 2011 | |
File-ShareDir-PathClass-1.112440 | File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects | Sep 01, 2011 | |
Games-Pandemic-1.120510 | cooperative pandemic board game | Feb 20, 2012 | |
Games-RailRoad-1.101330 | a train simulation game | May 13, 2010 | |
Games-Risk-4.000 | classical 'risk' board game | Apr 04, 2014 | |
Games-Risk-ExtraMaps-Countries-3.112691 | a set of country maps for Games::Risk | Sep 26, 2011 | |
Games-Risk-ExtraMaps-History-3.112691 | a set of historic maps for Games::Risk | Sep 26, 2011 | |
Games-Risk-ExtraMaps-Imaginary-3.113460 | a set of imaginary maps for Games::Risk | Dec 12, 2011 | |
Geo-ICAO-1.100140 | Airport and ICAO codes lookup | Jan 14, 2010 | |
Inline-Befunge-1.1.1 | write Perl subs in Befunge | Nov 26, 2007 | |
Language-Befunge-5.000 | a generic funge interpreter | May 20, 2016 | |
Language-Befunge-Vector-XS-1.1.1 | Language::Befunge::Vector rewritten for speed | May 22, 2010 | |
Language-Ook-1.0.2 | a Ook! interpreter. | Nov 26, 2007 | |
Module-Packaged-Generator-1.111930 | build list of modules packaged by a linux distribution | Jul 12, 2011 | |
ORDB-CPAN-Mageia-1.121690 | an ORM for CPAN packages available in Mageia | Jun 17, 2012 | |
POE-Component-Client-MPD-2.001 | full-blown poe-aware mpd client library | May 24, 2016 | |
SDLx-GUI-0.002 | Create GUI easily with SDL | Apr 04, 2014 | |
Term-Twiddle-Quiet-1.100110 | Twiddles a thingy while-u-wait if run interactively | Jan 11, 2010 | |
Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD-1.120990 | automate launching of fake mdp for testing purposes | Apr 08, 2012 | |
Text-Padding-1.110170 | simple way of formatting a text | Jan 17, 2011 | |
Time-Fuzzy-0.36 | Time read like a human, with some fuzziness | Nov 26, 2007 | |
Tk-Action-1.093390 | action abstraction for tk | Dec 05, 2009 | |
Tk-Role-Dialog-1.112380 | moose role for enhanced tk dialogs | Aug 26, 2011 | |
Tk-Role-HasWidgets-1.112380 | keep track of your tk widgets | Aug 26, 2011 | |
Tk-RotatingGauge-1.100140 | a rotating gauge for tk | Jan 14, 2010 | |
Tk-Sugar-1.093190 | Sugar syntax for Tk | Nov 15, 2009 | |
WWW-DaysOfWonder-Memoir44-3.000 | download & manage memoir44 scenarios from official website | Jun 12, 2014 |