All Releases by Jonathan Rockway
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Release |
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Acme-Greek-1.0 | Ιτ'σ αλλ γρεεκ το με! | Oct 16, 2006 | |
Acme-MorningMusume-ShinMember-0.01 | Create random Morning Musume! | Oct 16, 2006 | |
Algorithm-IncludeExclude-0.01 | build and evaluate include/exclude lists | Feb 08, 2007 | |
AnyEvent-Debounce-0.01 | condense multiple temporally-nearby events into one | Feb 27, 2011 | |
AnyEvent-Multilog-1.102861 | event-driven interface to a multilog process | Jul 15, 2011 | |
AnyEvent-Retry-0.03 | try something until it works | Nov 07, 2010 | |
AnyEvent-Subprocess-1.102912 | flexible, OO, asynchronous process spawning and management | Feb 25, 2011 | |
AnyEvent-ZeroMQ-0.01 | non-blocking interface to ZeroMQ sockets | May 16, 2011 | |
Apache-AuthLDAPBind-0.02 | Authentcates a user to Apache by binding to an LDAP server as that user. | Dec 07, 2005 | |
App-TemplateServer-0.04 | application to serve processed templates | Jan 18, 2008 | |
App-TemplateServer-Provider-HTML-Template-0.01 | serve HTML::Template templates with App::TemplateServer | Jan 16, 2008 | |
App-TemplateServer-Provider-Mason-0.01 | serve Mason templates with App::TemplateServer | Jan 16, 2008 | |
App-TemplateServer-Provider-TD-0.01 | use Template::Declare templates with App::TemplateServer | Jan 16, 2008 | |
Catalyst-View-MicroMason-0.05 | MicroMason View Class | Aug 19, 2007 | |
Catalyst-View-Template-Declare-0.04 | Use Template::Declare with Catalyst | Aug 07, 2008 | |
Catalyst-View-Templated-0.02 | generic base class for template-based views | Aug 24, 2007 | |
Collection-Categorized-0.01 | categorize and organize a collection of data | Sep 02, 2007 | |
DBICx-Deploy-0.02 | deploy a DBIx::Class schema | Oct 09, 2007 | |
DBICx-MapMaker-0.03 | automatically create a DBIx::Class mapping table | Jan 05, 2011 | |
DBICx-TestDatabase-0.05 | create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema | Jul 29, 2013 | |
Devel-InPackage-0.01 | scan a file for package declarations or determine which package a line belongs to | Feb 27, 2011 | |
Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-JROCKWAY-1.102911 | JROCKWAY does not like boilerplate | Oct 18, 2010 | |
Event-Join-0.06 | join multiple "events" into one | Feb 25, 2011 | |
File-Attributes-0.04 | Manipulate file metadata | Feb 04, 2007 | |
File-Attributes-Extended-0.01 | Access UNIX extended filesystem | Feb 04, 2007 | |
File-Attributes-Recursive-0.02 | Inherit file attributes from parent | Oct 12, 2006 | |
File-CreationTime-2.04 | Keeps track of file creation times | Sep 16, 2007 | |
Github-Import-0.07 | Import your project into | May 30, 2011 | |
MooseX-APIRole-0.01 | automatically create API roles for your classes and roles | Nov 07, 2010 | |
MooseX-MultiObject-0.03 | a class that delegates an interface to a set of objects that do that interface | May 10, 2011 | |
MooseX-Runnable-Fuse-0.02 | implement a FUSE filesystem as a Moose class | Aug 25, 2009 | |
MooseX-Types-Signal-1.101932 | a type to represent valid UNIX or Perl signals | Dec 28, 2011 | |
nonsense-0.01 | no-nonsense perl | Nov 08, 2010 | |
Nothing-Tiny-1 | a module that does nothing, albeit with no accessor | Feb 01, 2008 | |
Package-FromData-0.01 | generate a package with methods and variables from | Jan 14, 2008 | |
Sub-AliasedUnderscore-0.02 | transform a subroutine that operates on $_ into | Mar 30, 2008 | |
Template-Refine-0.02 | refine HTML | Sep 11, 2008 | |
Test-Sweet-0.03 | Moose-based Test::Class replacement | May 16, 2011 | |
Test-TableDriven-0.02 | write tests, not scripts that run them | Sep 16, 2007 | |
Test-YAML-Valid-0.04 | Test for valid YAML | Jan 09, 2010 | |
Text-EmacsColor-0.03 | syntax-highlight code snippets with Emacs | Dec 09, 2009 | |
Weewar-0.01 | get data from the XML API | Sep 17, 2007 | |
ZeroMQ-Raw-0.01 | minimal ZeroMQ that follows the C API as closely as possible | May 16, 2011 |