All Releases by Marcel Grünauer
River gauge |
Release |
Uploaded |
Algorithm-EquivalenceSets-1.101420 | Group sets transitively | May 22, 2010 | |
App-Benchmark-2.00 | Output your benchmarks as test diagnostics | Jan 01, 2015 | |
App-Benchmark-Accessors-2.00 | Benchmark accessor generators | Jan 02, 2015 | |
App-distfind-1.101400 | Find Perl module distributions within a directory hierarchy | May 20, 2010 | |
App-pathed-0.07 | munge the Bash PATH environment variable | Sep 16, 2013 | |
App-perlfind-2.07 | A more knowledgeable perldoc | May 21, 2015 | |
App-sync_cpantesters-1.111470 | Sync CPAN testers failure reports to local directories | May 27, 2011 | |
Attribute-Overload-1.100710 | Attribute that makes overloading easier | Mar 12, 2010 | |
Attribute-SubName-1.101420 | Naming anonymous subroutines via attributes | May 22, 2010 | |
Attribute-TieClasses-1.101700 | Attribute wrappers for CPAN Tie classes | Jun 19, 2010 | |
Bash-Completion-Plugins-VimTag-2.00 | Bash completion plugin for vim tags | Feb 09, 2013 | |
Brickyard-2.0.0 | Plugin system based on roles | Aug 13, 2013 | |
Bundle-Perl6-0.12 | A bundle to install Perl6-related modules | Dec 17, 2008 | |
Business-Address-POBox-1.101230 | Check whether an address looks like a P.O.Box | May 03, 2010 | |
callee-1.100820 | support recursive anonymous functions | Mar 23, 2010 | |
Carp-Source-1.101420 | Warn of errors with stack backtrace and source context | May 22, 2010 | |
CatalystX-Crudite-0.21 | Framework for Catalyst-based CMS Web Applications | Jan 16, 2014 | |
Class-Accessor-Complex-1.100880 | Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets and more | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Class-Accessor-Constructor-1.111590 | Constructor generator | Jun 08, 2011 | |
Class-Accessor-FactoryTyped-1.100970 | Accessors whose values come from a factory | Apr 07, 2010 | |
Class-Accessor-Installer-1.100880 | Install an accessor subroutine | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Class-Factory-Enhanced-1.101420 | More functionality for Class::Factory | May 22, 2010 | |
Class-Method-Debug-1.101420 | Trace who is calling accessors | May 22, 2010 | |
Class-Null-2.110730 | Implements the Null Class design pattern | Mar 14, 2011 | |
Class-Scaffold-1.102280 | Large-scale OOP application support | Aug 16, 2010 | |
Class-Value-Contact-1.100840 | Contact-related value objects | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Class-Value-Net-1.110250 | Network-related value objects | Jan 25, 2011 | |
Class-Value-SemanticAdapter-1.100841 | Adapter for Data::Semantic objects | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Class-Value-URI-1.100840 | Value class for URIs | Mar 25, 2010 | |
CPAN-Command-1.100840 | Load CPAN command plugins | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Data-Comparable-1.100840 | Present your object for comparison purposes | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Data-Container-1.100840 | Base class for objects containing a list of items | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Data-Conveyor-1.103130 | Stage-based conveyor-belt-like ticket handling system | Nov 09, 2010 | |
Data-Domain-Net-1.100840 | Data domain classes for IP addresses | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Data-Domain-SemanticAdapter-1.100840 | Adapter for Data::Semantic objects | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Data-Domain-URI-1.100850 | Data domain classes for URIs | Mar 25, 2010 | |
Data-Inherited-1.100860 | Hierarchy-wide accumulation of list and hash results | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Data-Miscellany-1.100850 | Collection of miscellaneous subroutines | Mar 26, 2010 | |
Data-Pack-1.101611 | Pack data structures so only real content remains | Jun 10, 2010 | |
Data-Semantic-1.101620 | Common API for data with semantics attached to them | Jun 11, 2010 | |
Data-Semantic-Net-1.101760 | Semantic data classes for net-related data | Jun 25, 2010 | |
Data-Semantic-URI-1.100850 | Semantic data classes for URI-related data | Mar 26, 2010 | |
Data-SmartMunge-1.101612 | Munge scalars, hashes and arrays in flexible ways | Jun 10, 2010 | |
Data-Storage-1.102720 | Base class for storages | Sep 29, 2010 | |
Data-Timeline-1.100860 | Time line represented as an object | Mar 27, 2010 | |
DB-Pluggable-StackTraceAsHTML-1.111750 | Add debugger command to see stack trace as HTML | Jun 24, 2011 | |
DBIx-Lookup-Field-2.101420 | Create a lookup hash from a database table | May 22, 2010 | |
Devel-SearchINC-2.103460 | Loading Perl modules from their development directories | Dec 12, 2010 | |
dip-1.17 | Dynamic instrumentation like DTrace, using aspects | Mar 03, 2012 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bugtracker-1.111080 | Automatically sets the bugtracker URL and mailto | Apr 18, 2011 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FindDirByRegex-1.102640 | A regex-based FileFinder plugin | Sep 21, 2010 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-HasVersionTests-1.101420 | Release tests for version numbers | May 22, 2010 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Homepage-1.101420 | Automatically sets the homepage URL | May 22, 2010 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportVersions-1.110730 | Write a test that reports used module versions | Mar 14, 2011 | |
Error-Hierarchy-1.103530 | Support for hierarchical exception classes | Dec 19, 2010 | |
Error-Return-1.110510 | Really return() from a try/catch-block | Feb 20, 2011 | |
Exporter-Simple-1.10 | Easier set-up of module exports | Nov 21, 2002 | |
File-Find-Upwards-1.102030 | Look for a file in the current directory and upwards | Jul 22, 2010 | |
Games-Go-Coordinate-1.100860 | Represents a board coordinate in the game of Go | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Games-Go-Rank-1.100860 | Represents a player's rank in the game of Go | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Getopt-Attribute-2.101700 | Attribute wrapper for Getopt::Long | Jun 19, 2010 | |
Getopt-Inherited-1.100860 | Handling inherited command-line options | Mar 27, 2010 | |
GraphViz-ISA-1.100860 | Graphing class hierarchies at run-time | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Hash-Inflator-1.100820 | Access hash entries through methods | Mar 23, 2010 | |
Hash-Rename-2.00 | Rename hash keys | Dec 31, 2013 | |
Hook-Modular-1.101050 | Making pluggable applications easy | Apr 15, 2010 | |
HTTP-Engine-FirePHP-0.02 | Log to FirePHP from within HTTP::Engine | Jun 10, 2009 | |
Loop-Control-1.100861 | FIRST and NEXT functions for loops | Mar 27, 2010 | |
LWP-UserAgent-ProgressBar-1.100810 | An LWP user agent that can display a progress bar | Mar 22, 2010 | |
Mail-Field-Received-0.26 | mostly RFC822-compliant parser of Received headers | Jun 17, 2010 | |
Module-Changes-0.05 | Machine-readable Changes file | Nov 09, 2007 | |
Module-Cloud-1.100861 | Generates a tag cloud for modules used in given code | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Module-Install-Homepage-0.01 | automatically sets the homepage URL | Sep 07, 2009 | |
Module-Install-StandardTests-0.05 | generate standard tests for installation | Oct 18, 2007 | |
Module-Install-Template-0.08 | Treat module source code as a template | Dec 07, 2009 | |
Module-Pluggable-Loader-1.100860 | Just load plugins, aware of development directories | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Net-IP-Match-1.101700 | Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges | Jun 19, 2010 | |
Number-Rangify-1.100860 | Optimize a list of values into ranges | Mar 27, 2010 | |
once-1.101420 | Execute code only once throughout the program's lifetime | May 22, 2010 | |
PerlIO-via-Pipe-1.100860 | PerlIO layer to filter input through a Text::Pipe | Mar 27, 2010 | |
PerlIO-via-ToFirePHP-1.100860 | log to FirePHP via an PerlIO layer | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Permute-Named-1.100980 | permute multiple-valued key-value pairs | Apr 08, 2010 | |
Pod-Generated-0.05 | Generate POD documentation during "make" time | Dec 06, 2009 | |
Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-MARCEL-1.102460 | Build POD documentation like MARCEL | Sep 03, 2010 | |
Pod-Weaver-Section-CollectWithAutoDoc-1.100980 | Section to gather specific commands and add auto-generated documentation | Apr 08, 2010 | |
Property-Lookup-1.101400 | Object property lookup across multiple layers | May 20, 2010 | |
Scalar-Properties-1.100860 | Run-time properties on scalar variables | Mar 27, 2010 | |
ShipIt-Step-ApplyYAMLChangeLogVersion-0.02 | apply version from YAML Changes file to modules and scripts | Nov 17, 2007 | |
ShipIt-Step-CheckYAMLChangeLog-0.02 | ShipIt step for YAML Changes files | Nov 14, 2007 | |
ShipIt-Step-DistClean-0.01 | ShipIt step for cleaning the distribution | Nov 09, 2007 | |
ShipIt-Step-Jaiku-0.01 | ShipIt step to announce the upload on Jaiku | Nov 21, 2007 | |
ShipIt-Step-Manifest-0.01 | ShipIt step for recreating the MANIFEST | Nov 09, 2007 | |
ShipIt-Step-Twitter-0.05 | ShipIt step to announce the upload on Twitter | Dec 12, 2008 | |
String-BlackWhiteList-1.100860 | Match a string against a blacklist and a whitelist | Mar 27, 2010 | |
String-FlexMatch-1.100820 | Flexible ways to match a string | Mar 23, 2010 | |
Sub-CharacterProperties-1.100860 | Support for user-defined character properties | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Sub-Documentation-1.100880 | Collect documentation for subroutines | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Task-BeLike-hanekomu-1.103620 | Install modules I like | Dec 28, 2010 | |
Template-Plugin-CPAN-Packages-0.03 | Template plugin to help generate CPAN bundles | Feb 13, 2008 | |
Template-Plugin-Filter-Pipe-1.100860 | Filter plugin adapter for Text::Pipe | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Template-Plugin-GoogleChart-0.02 | Using Google::Chart as a template plugin | Feb 10, 2010 | |
Term-Shell-Enhanced-1.101420 | More functionality for Term::Shell | May 22, 2010 | |
Test-Class-GetoptControl-1.100860 | Command-line control of test class execution | Mar 27, 2010 | |
Test-CompanionClasses-1.101370 | Run tests defined in companion classes | May 17, 2010 | |
Text-Pipe-0.10 | Common text filter API | Sep 18, 2009 | |
Text-Pipe-Encoding-1.101700 | Text pipes that can encode and decode in various ways | Jun 19, 2010 | |
Text-Pipe-HTML-1.100880 | Text pipes that can encode and decode HTML entities | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Text-Pipe-Translate-1.100890 | Translate text from one language to another | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Text-Pipe-W3CDTF-1.100890 | Text pipes that convert W3CDTF date-time strings and objects | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Tie-Scalar-Timeout-2.101420 | Scalar variables that time out | May 22, 2010 | |
Vim-Complete-1.100880 | Generate auto completion information for vim | Mar 29, 2010 | |
Vim-Tag-1.110690 | Generate perl tags for vim | Mar 10, 2011 | |
Web-Library-0.06 | Manager for wrappers around client-side libraries | Aug 11, 2013 | |
Web-Library-BackboneJS-0.01 | Distribution wrapper around Backbone.js | Dec 14, 2013 | |
Web-Library-Bootstrap-0.05 | Distribution wrapper around Bootstrap | Dec 14, 2013 | |
Web-Library-D3-0.02 | Distribution wrapper around D3 | Dec 14, 2013 | |
Web-Library-DataTables-0.04 | Distribution wrapper around DataTables | Aug 11, 2013 | |
Web-Library-jQuery-0.03 | Distribution wrapper around jQuery | Aug 11, 2013 | |
Web-Library-jQueryUI-0.04 | Distribution wrapper around jQueryUI | Aug 11, 2013 | |
Web-Library-UnderscoreJS-0.04 | Distribution wrapper around UnderscoreJS | Dec 14, 2013 | |
YAML-Active-1.100810 | Combine data and logic in YAML | Mar 22, 2010 |
Favorites |
Date |
Aspect | ADAMK | Nov 10, 2015 |
Dist-Milla | MIYAGAWA | Nov 10, 2015 |
Dist-Zilla-Config-Slicer | RWSTAUNER | Nov 10, 2015 |
Scope-Upper | VPIT | Sep 12, 2012 |