my $cl = AI::Classifier::Text->new(classifier => AI::NaiveBayes->new(...));
my $res = $cl->classify("do cats eat bats?");
$res    = $cl->classify("do cats eat bats?", { new_user => 1 });
# later
my $cl = AI::Classifier::Text->load('some-file');
my $res = $cl->classify("do cats eat bats?");


AI::Classifier::Text combines a lexical analyzer (by default being AI::Classifier::Text::Analyzer) and a classifier (like AI::NaiveBayes) to perform text classification.

This is partially based on AI::TextCategorizer.



An object that'll perform classification of supplied feature vectors. Has to define a classify() method, which accepts a hash refence. The return value of AI::Classifier::Text-classify()> will be the return value of classifier's classify() method.

This attribute has to be supplied to the new() method during object creation.


The class performing lexical analysis of the text in order to produce a feature vector. This defaults to AI::Classifier::Text::Analyzer.


new(classifier => $foo)

Creates a new AI::Classifier::Text object. The classifier argument is mandatory.

classify($document, $features)

Categorize the given document. A lexical analyzer will be used to extract features from $document, and in addition to that the features from $features hash reference will be added. The return value comes directly from the classifier object's classify method.


AI::NaiveBayes (3), AI::Categorizer(3)