Changes - Revision history for Alien-BWIPP
0.007 2014-08-04
upgrade to barcode writer version 2014-07-30-1
0.006 2010-07-01
- upgrade to barcode writer version 2010-06-20, see upstream changes file
- remove undocumented metrics feature, its intent is now handled downstream in a better way
- dependencies are handled for all barcode types
0.005 2010-01-13
0.003 broke 5.10.1, change work-around to work on both 5.10.0 and 5.10.1 (thanks, Jozef Kutej)
0.004 2009-12-11
increase required Module::Build version
0.003 2009-12-11
work-around for Perl 5.10.0
0.002 2009-12-10
small Build fix to better enforce the required Module::Build version
0.001 2009-12-07
Initial release.