NAME - HTML to Alvis XML converter

SYNOPSIS [options] [source directory ...]


  --ainodump-ext       ainodump file identifying filename extension
  --out-dir            output directory
  --N-per-out-dir      # of records per output directory
  --[no]original       include original document?
  --help               brief help message
  --man                full documentation
  --[no]warnings       warnings output flag


Sets the ainodump file identifying filename extension. 
Default value: 'ainodump'.
Sets the output directory. Default value: '.'.
Sets the # of records per output directory. Default value: 1000.
Shall the original document be included in the output? Default
value: yes.
Prints a brief help message and exits.
Prints the manual page and exits.
Output (or suppress) warnings. Default value: yes.


Goes recursively through the files under the source directory
and converts them to Alvis XML files.