This section of the documentation focuses on using PhotoDB after it has been installed. Every command requires a command and subcommand, e.g.

camera add

After providing a command and subcommand, PhotoDB then asks relevant questions interactively with helpful guidance.


The accessory command provides subcommands for adding photographic accessories to the database.

accessory add

Add a new general accessory to the database

accessory battery

Add a new type of battery to the database

accessory filter

Add a new (optical) filter to the database

accessory filteradapter

Add a filter adapter to the database

accessory flash

Add a new flash to the database

accessory info

Display info about an accessory

accessory meter

Add a new light meter to the database

accessory mountadapter

Add a new mount adapter to the database

accessory projector

Add a new projector to the database

Search for an accessory

accessory teleconverter

Add a new teleconverter to the database

accessory category

Add a new category of general accessory to the database


series add

Add a new series of camera or lens models

series info

View information about a series of camera or lens models

series list

Summarise series of camera or lens models

series need

View list of models needed to complete series


archive add

Add a new physical archive for prints or films

archive films

Bulk-add multiple films to an archive

archive info

Show information about an archive

archive list

List the contents of an archive

archive move

Move an archive to a new location

archive seal

Seal an archive and prevent new items from being added to it

archive unseal

Unseal an archive and allow new items to be added to it


The audit command provides a set of subcommands for checking and entering incomplete data.

audit displaylenses

Audit cameras without a display lens set

audit exposureprograms

Audit cameras without exposure program data

audit meteringmodes

Audit cameras without metering mode data

audit shutterspeeds

Audit cameras without shutter speed data


The camera command provides subcommands for working with cameras.

camera add

Add a new camera to the database

camera choose

Choose a camera based on multiple usage criteria

camera display-lens

Associate a camera with a lens for display purposes

camera edit

Edit an existing camera

camera info

Show information about a camera

camera repair

Repair a camera

Search for a camera

camera sell

Sell a camera

camera show-lenses

camera show-lenses shows all lenses which are compatible with a camera.


The cameramodel command provides a set of subcommands for working with camera models.

cameramodel add

Add a new camera model to PhotoDB

cameramodel accessory

Add accessory compatibility info to a camera model

cameramodel exposureprogram

Add available exposure program info to a camera model

cameramodel info

View information about a camera model

cameramodel meteringmode

Add available metering mode info to a camera model

cameramodel series

Add a camera model to a series

cameramodel shutterspeeds

Add available shutter speed info to a camera model


The data command provides a set of subcommands for entering sundry data. You shouldn't really need these as data can be entered inline at the point of use.

data bodytype

Add a new camera body type

data flashprotocol

Add a new flash protocol to the database

data focustype

Add a new type of focus system to the database

data format

Add a new film format to the database

data manufacturer

Add a new manufacturer to the database

data meteringtype

Add a new type of metering system to the database

data negsize

Add a size of negative to the database

data process

Add a new development process to the database

data shutterspeed

Add a new shutter speed to the database

data shuttertype

Add a new type of shutter to the database


The db command provides a set of subcommands for managing the database backend.

db backup

Back up the contents of the database

db logs

Show activity logs from the database

db stats

Show statistics about database usage

db test

Test database connectivity

db upgrade

Upgrade database to the latest schema


enlarger add

Add a new enlarger to the database

enlarger info

Show information about an enlarger

enlarger sell

Sell an enlarger


The exhibition command provides a set of subcommands for managing exhibitions.

exhibition add

Add a new exhibition to the database

exhibition info

Show information about an exhibition


The film command provides subcommands for working with individual rolls (or sets of sheets) of film.

film add

Adds a new film to the database, e.g. when it is purchased.

film annotate

Create a text file in the film scan directory with summary info about the film & negatives

film archive

Put the film in a physical archive

film bulk

Add a new bulk film to the database

film current

List films that are currently loaded into cameras

film develop

Develop a film

film info

Show information about a film

film load

Load a film into a camera

film locate

Locate where this film is

Search for a film

film stocks

List the films that are currently in stock

film tag

Write EXIF tags to scans from a film


The lensmodel command provides a set of subcommands for working with lens models.

lensmodel add

Add a new lens model to PhotoDB

lensmodel accessory

Add accessory compatibility info to a lens model

lensmodel info

View information about a lens model

lensmodel series

Add a lens model to a series


The lens command provides subcommands for working with lenses (for cameras, enlargers and projectors).

lens add

Add a new lens to the database

lens info

Show information about a lens

lens repair

Repair a lens

Search for a lens

lens sell

Sell a lens


The material command provides subcommands for adding materials, i.e. film, paper and chemicals to the database.

material developer

Add a new developer to the database

material filmstock

Add a new type of filmstock to the database

material paperstock

Add a new type of photo paper to the database

material toner

Add a new chemical toner to the database


The mount command provides subcommands for working with lens mounts (aka camera systems)

mount add

Add a new lens mount to the database

mount info

View compatible cameras and lenses for a mount


The movie command provides subcommands for working with movies (cine films)

movie add

Add a new movie to the database

movie info

Show information about a movie


The negative command provides subcommands for working with negatives (or slides, etc) which are part of a film.

negative add

Add a new negative to the database as part of a film

negative bulk-add

negative bulk-add registers a number of negatives to an existing film, but doesn't collect any data. It is useful only for blocking out e.g. 24 negatives for a 24-exp film. They will need to have data added later. Bulk add multiple negatives to the database as part of a film

negative info

Show information about a negative

negative prints

Find all prints made from a negative

Search for a negative

negative tag

Write EXIF tags to scans from a negative


The person command provides a set of subcommands for managing data about people (e.g. photographers)

person add

Add a new person to the database


The print command provides subcommands for working with prints which have been made from negatives.

Add a new print that has been made from a negative

Add a print to a physical archive

Exhibit a print at an exhibition

Fulfil an order for a print

Show details about a print

Generate text to label a print

Locate a print in an archive

Add toning to a print

Register an order for a print

Sell a print

Remove a print from a physical archive

Display print todo list

Write EXIF tags to scans from a print


scan add

Add a new scan of a negative or print to the database

scan edit

Add a new scan which is a derivative of an existing one

scan delete

Delete a scan from the database and optionally from the filesystem

Search the filesystem for scans which are not in the database, and import them

scan rename

Rename scans to include the caption in the filename


The task command provides a set of useful tasks for reporting/fixing/cleaning data in the database.

run task

Run a selection of maintenance tasks on the database

run report

Run a selection of reports on the database

run migrations

Run migrations to upgrade the database schema to the latest version