testrail_migrate.pl [OPTIONS] pattern1...patternN

Migrates TestRail test results into the test results database. Only migrates tests from plans/runs with names matching the provided pattern. If no patterns are provided, all will be indexed.

Requires you have a functioning ~/.testrailrc (see App::Prove::Plugin::TestRail), and ~/.elastest.conf (see App::Prove::Elasticsearch).


--project: Index plans only from the provided project(s). May be passed multiple times.
--only-last: Only index the last result for a given test, such as ones that had to be re-run to pass.
--since: Only index the plans which have been completed since the provided unix timestamp.
--ingest: Keep ingesting new data over and over every 5 minutes. Allows you to enjoy (some of) the benefits of App::Prove::Elasticsearch without actually integrating it in your testsuite.