Changes for version 0.10 - 2010-10-12
- Don't FAIL due to test count error on systems without lua
- The skip count was always off on systems without lua. We said we skipped 6 tests, but it was 3 where the URL wasn't =~ /failo/.
- It's easier to just skip the entire test suite on those systems, so move the prereq for lua before the plan.
- Also don't run each of those tests 10 times. There's no need.
Command-line interface App::QuoteCC
Take a quote file and emit a standalone program that spews a random quote
Read quotes from a fortune(1) file
Read newline delimited quotes
Read quotes from a YAML file with YAML::XS
Emit quotes in C format
Emit quotes in Lua format
Emit quotes in Perl format
A role representing a App::QuoteCC input format
A role representing a App::QuoteCC output format