




SEISMIC UNIX NOTES XCONTOUR - X CONTOUR plot of f(x1,x2) via vector plot call

 xcontour n1= [optional parameters] <binaryfile [>psplotfile]		

 X Functionality:							

 Button 1	Zoom with rubberband box				

 Button 2	Show mouse (x1,x2) coordinates while pressed		

 q or Q key	Quit 							

 s key		Save current mouse (x1,x2) location to file		

 p or P key	Plot current window with pswigb	(only from disk files)	

 Required Parameters:							

 n1                     number of samples in 1st (fast) dimension	

 Optional Parameters:							

 d1=1.0                 sampling interval in 1st dimension		

 f1=0.0                 first sample in 1st dimension			

 x1=f1,f1+d1,...        array of sampled values in 1nd dimension	

 n2=all                 number of samples in 2nd (slow) dimension	

 d2=1.0                 sampling interval in 2nd dimension		

 f2=0.0                 first sample in 2nd dimension			

 x2=f2,f2+d2,...        array of sampled values in 2nd dimension	

 mpicks=/dev/tty        file to save mouse picks in			

 verbose=1              =1 for info printed on stderr (0 for no info)	

 nc=5                   number of contour values                       

 dc=(zmax-zmin)/nc      contour interval                               

 fc=min+dc              first contour                                  

 c=fc,fc+dc,...         array of contour values                        

 cwidth=1.0,...         array of contour line widths                   

 ccolor=none,...        array of contour colors; none means use cgray  

 cdash=0.0,...          array of dash spacings (0.0 for solid)         

 labelcf=1              first labeled contour (1,2,3,...)              

 labelcper=1            label every labelcper-th contour               

 nlabelc=nc             number of labeled contours (0 no contour label)

 nplaces=6              number of decimal places in contour labeling	

 xbox=50                x in pixels of upper left corner of window	

 ybox=50                y in pixels of upper left corner of window	

 wbox=550               width in pixels of window			

 hbox=700               height in pixels of window			

 x1beg=x1min            value at which axis 1 begins			

 x1end=x1max            value at which axis 1 ends			

 d1num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 1 (0.0 for automatic)

 f1num=x1min            first numbered tic on axis 1 (used if d1num not 0.0)

 n1tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1	

 grid1=none             grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid

 x2beg=x2min            value at which axis 2 begins			

 x2end=x2max            value at which axis 2 ends			

 d2num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 2 (0.0 for automatic)

 f2num=x2min            first numbered tic on axis 2 (used if d2num not 0.0)

 n2tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2	

 grid2=none             grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid

 label2=                label on axis 2				

 labelfont=Erg14        font name for axes labels			

 title=                 title of plot					

 titlefont=Rom22        font name for title				

 windowtitle=xwigb      title on window				

 labelcolor=blue        color for axes labels				

 titlecolor=red         color for title				

 gridcolor=blue         color for grid lines				

 labelccolor=black      color of contour labels                        ",   

 labelcfont=fixed       font name for contour labels                   

 style=seismic		 normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or	

			 seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)	


 For some reason the contour might slight differ from ones generated   

 by pscontour (propably due to the pixel nature of the plot            


 The line width of unlabeled contours is designed as a quarter of that	

 of labeled contours. 							

 Author: Morten Wendell Pedersen, Aarhus University 

 All the coding is based on snippets taken from xwigb, ximage and pscontour

 All I have done is put the parts together and put in some bugs ;-)

 So credits should go to the authors of these packages... 

 Caveats and Notes:

 The code has been developed under Linux 1.3.20/Xfree 3.1.2E (X11 6.1)

 with gcc-2.7.0 But hopefully it should work on other platforms as well

 Since all the contours are drawn by Vector plot call's everytime the

 Window is exposed, the exposing can be darn slow 

 OOPS This should be history... Now I keep my window content with backing

 store so I won't have to redraw my window unless I really have to...

 Portability Question: I guess I should check if the display supports

 backingstore and redraw if it doesn't (see DoesBackingStore(3) )

 I have to be able to use CWBackingStore==Always (other values can be

 NonUseful and WhenMapped

 Since I put the contour labels everytime I draw one contour level the area 

 that contains the label will be crossed by the the next contour lines...

 (this bug also seems to be present in pscontour)

 To fix this I have to redraw all the labels after been through all

 the contour calls

 Right now I can't see a way to fix this without actually to through

 the entire label positioning again....Overkill I would say


 The relative short length of the contour segments will propably mask the

 cdash settings

 which means it is disposable (but I know how to draw dashed lines :)

 A way of fixing this could be to get all connected point and then use

 XDrawlines or XDrawSegments... just an idea...No idea if it'll work. 

 I think there is a bug in xContour since my plot coordinates increase

 North and west ward instead of south and eastward

   I need to check the Self Doc so if the right parameters are described

   (I have been through it a couple of times but....)

   All functions need a heavy cleanup for unused variables

   I suppose there is a couple of memory leaks due to missing free'ing of

 numerous pointers (especially fonts,GC's & colors could be a problem...

   I have to browse through the internal pscontour call... basically what

 I have done is just putting pscontour instead of pswigb... Instead of

 repositioning the input file  pointer (which doesnt work with pipes) one

 should consider the use of temporary file

   or write your zoombox to pscontour ( one does that?)

  Wish List:

   The use of cgray's unused until now... I guess I'll need to allocate

 a gray Colormap  -> meaning that the code not will run at other display

 than 8 bit Pseudocolor :( (with the use of present version of the colormap

 library (code in $CWPROOT/src/xplot/lib ) )

  The format of contour label should be open for the user.. 


  It could be nice if one could choose to have a pixmap (like ximage )

 underlying  the contours... this should be defined either by the input

 data  or by a seperate file

  eg useful for viewing traveltime contours on top a plot of the velocity


User's notes (Juan Lorenzo) untested


Import packages

instantiation of packages

Encapsulated hash of private variables

sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub CWBackingStore

sub c

sub ccolor

sub cdash

sub cwidth

sub d1

sub d1num

sub d2

sub d2num

sub dc

sub f1

sub f1num

sub f2

sub f2num

sub fc

sub grid1

sub grid2

sub gridcolor

sub hbox

sub label2

sub labelccolor

sub labelcf

sub labelcfont

sub labelcolor

sub labelcper

sub labelfont

sub mpicks

sub n1

sub n1tic

sub n2

sub n2tic

sub nc

sub nlabelc

sub nplaces

sub style

sub title

sub titlecolor

sub titlefont

sub verbose

sub wbox

sub windowtitle

sub x1

sub x1beg

sub x1end

sub x2

sub x2beg

sub x2end

sub xbox

sub ybox

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1